Pekin Duck Club!

Can you keep her someplace warmer for a few days so her body doesn't have to spend as much energy staying warm, and she can heal?

I am not an antibiotics expert, I will see if I can look up some recommendations. If you have a way to get a vet's help, I recommend it.
Can you keep her someplace warmer for a few days so her body doesn't have to spend as much energy staying warm, and she can heal?

I am not an antibiotics expert, I will see if I can look up some recommendations. If you have a way to get a vet's help, I recommend it.
Blood borne infection from cuts and scratches rec. penicillin can be bought at feed stores and mixed into drinking water or given by injection.

And I agree she needs to be kept in a warm[not hot] stable environment while recovering. Bless her heart. Maybe even with her buddy for company.
Poor bird! when i had one attacked by a coon, it was a reach through the pen(hey beginners mistakes) we brought him inside, i used an old brooder box, a dog crate would be good too... i could watch/control and keep a close eye i used NO bedding, towels and cleaned them.

I will add, i would be watching around your yard(farm, whatever) this could happen to other birds, usually preds come back. I know after our coon attack we tossed the remaining ducks in a horse trailer(we had no coop/barn yet it was being build, they had a dog house in the pen)
Yes I'm going to keep her in the bathroom. Hehe hope she doesn't start quacking! I might call a waterfowl expert but I can't afford to take a duck to the vet ;( I wish I could. I might try penicillin but I'm going to give her a few days before I just start giving her antibiotics without knowing 100% if she needs them. I was going to ask if anyone thought she needed her friend. Maybe it will help her relax and eat too? And yes 'going quackers'. If I find out who did this it will be shot.
Hopin' then maybe I'll have better luck when I build my ducks their new "bigger" house! I'm not that picky usually, but can't eat these eggs I Yuck!....
. I'll have geese someday and am scared of what they might leave behind if it is a bigger version of duck poo like they are themselves to ducks....

My baby Pekins that I just hatched are already way bigger...
. Dang, I forgot how fast they grow!
have you ever heard the saying "poopin like a goose ?" noooo ? neither did i till i got my 2 ladies .... and thought (stupidly) i can brood them in my house ... they are very cute goslings and they imprint stronger than ducks - both my ducks and my geese imprinted to me - but there was poop everywhere! what goes in those things comes right back out! literally almost in the same form it went in hahaha - plus side though... you'll cut down on weeding , lawn care and they eat little feed really as they mostly eat grass and yard stuffs.
Yes I'm going to keep her in the bathroom. Hehe hope she doesn't start quacking! I might call a waterfowl expert but I can't afford to take a duck to the vet ;( I wish I could. I might try penicillin but I'm going to give her a few days before I just start giving her antibiotics without knowing 100% if she needs them. I was going to ask if anyone thought she needed her friend. Maybe it will help her relax and eat too? And yes 'going quackers'. If I find out who did this it will be shot.
How is she today? and the only reason we suggested antibiotics and none of us are fond of them believe me is what ever this is that got her most likely had bacteria in it's mouth and giving the antibiotic is a precaution against infection, Not always good to wait till they have the start of one. But we respect your judgment and decision. Just hope she is feeling better today.
How is she today? and the only reason we suggested antibiotics and none of us are fond of them believe me is what ever this is that got her most likely had bacteria in it's mouth and giving the antibiotic is a precaution against infection, Not always good to wait till they have the start of one. But we respect your judgment and decision. Just hope she is feeling better today. :fl

I'm totally fine with giving her some if you guys think she needs them. I'm just not knowledgable on them and need help knowing what to give her. I'll do whatever to keep her healthy :) she's okay today. Not as active in her baths but still drinking and pooping :) her poop is green and pretty runny. Probably because she hasn't ate anything. :(

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