Pekin Duck Club!

Ducks need to be able to dunk their heads. Mostly their nostrils to clear them. With the three Pekins ducklings, we are using a dog bowl. deep enough for them to get their beaks in good and clean thins out. They tend to climb in for swims. We do give them a twice daily swim in the tub. One if during cleaning time, when we clean out their bin. DH or I cleans the bins while the other watches the ducklings in the tub. The other is right before bed. The ducklings go to sleep and we get to sleep, too.
Ducks need to be able to dunk their heads. Mostly their nostrils to clear them. With the three Pekins ducklings, we are using a dog bowl. deep enough for them to get their beaks in good and clean thins out. They tend to climb in for swims. We do give them a twice daily swim in the tub. One if during cleaning time, when we clean out their bin. DH or I cleans the bins while the other watches the ducklings in the tub. The other is right before bed. The ducklings go to sleep and we get to sleep, too.
Thank you Fernie!
I will get them a deeper bowl first thing in the morning!


New photos of Lucky and Louie . Getting outside time w the big girls!
Miss Lydia and cluckcluck-

Thank you! I appreciate your info!! The ducks are 3 weeks old. I got them on March 8th. I have given them bath time in a shallow tub, so they have been able to dunk their heads, but obviously not nearly enough as they should be able to!
thank you thank you thank you!!!

I am at work, but will call my husband and have him fix something up for them!!
Quote: Any time.

Ducks and geese are easy.

My chickens are harder to keep their bin ( the brooders are old storage bins ) clean. The chickens we have to clean 3 or 4 times a day. Although this batch is actually scratching at the pine bedding and attempting dust baths at about 12 days old. I want my incubator built now. I have the hatching bug so bad I am about to drive DH batty. lol
Any time.

Ducks and geese are easy.

My chickens are harder to keep their bin ( the brooders are old storage bins ) clean. The chickens we have to clean 3 or 4 times a day. Although this batch is actually scratching at the pine bedding and attempting dust baths at about 12 days old. I want my incubator built now. I have the hatching bug so bad I am about to drive DH batty. lol
Lord, no hatching bug for me!! I currently have a hen that isn't eating or drinking. we battled a sour crop all winter and now I believe it is just blocked. she is miserable. I work until 11pm tonight and as soon as I get home I will be in the basement with her making her throw up and massaging her crop in hopes that something will dislodge. :( my girls just turned 1 in march. I'm not ready to lose one yet!!

My husband is on the job getting something for the ducks to dunk their cute little heads! woohoo!

on another note,.. what I have read so far says that the pekins are super noisy once they are quacking. is there a lot of truth behind that? My neighbors are going to hate me lol
on another note,.. what I have read so far says that the pekins are super noisy once they are quacking. is there a lot of truth behind that? My neighbors are going to hate me lol
I have heard this too. Mind you i have calls and females so nothing can possibly beat them.. my buffs are pretty loud too.

Have you tried yogurt with the hen? i have understood sour crop it's good at preventing not sure the after though, maybe post in the health section?
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so what is the soonest you all heard the "voices" i haven't raised a lot of quacking(mallard derived ducks) and only ever have/had one drake so this area i am new at, my scovies it's all size.. those i know real good.

My 1/2 dozen pekins are now 2+wks... i know the rule of thumb is 5-6wks but i am impatient.
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Hi anna!!

I am new to the pekin world. I am a chicken mom, but my husband and son thought it would be a nifty idea to bring home 6 ducklings for my 30th birthday.
my question is about the water,... I have them drinking out of the waterers that you can buy at tractor supply. should I just have a bowl in their pen? the people at Tractor supply told my husband to NOT let them get their nostrils in the water. I found that strange since that's what ducks in the wild do, but who am I to say.. Is this why they seem snorty?


I'm not Anna but will say that most of the people who work at TSC and feed stores know nothing about how to care for poultry, Ducklings need to be able to wash their nares and eyes out often for health, so making them a waterer would be a cheap way to give them something and keep them from climbing inside and chilling or drowning, I'll get you the link to caring for ducklings it has a good pic of a homemade waterer. the only part that needs to change in this info is ducklings need food and water 24/7 for longer than 2 weeks more like 4.

when they are outside this is good for cleaner water that keeps them out of it! I have a set-up like this for my big flock outside. Buffs and Muscovy. They will need swim water as they age but i cannot say enough good stuff about this set-up with a large flock out there they were draining the bowls bathing in them, and yes they have troughs, pools but they will go into about anything wet.

to prove that one of my scovie ducks.. lol

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