Pekin Duck Club!

southernbelle54, something else I would do is temporarily separate the girls from the drake - he could just be over-mating them. A divider fence so they can still be next to each other works. I do that with my buff trio sometimes.
Hey! I would like to join the club :) I have two ducks, I think they are 3 weeks old now. Their names are Jeremiah and Monroe...
Jeremiah is the one with the cotton ball head :)
Ok Ya'll! Ying is alright, took her to the vet and after a thorough check up the Vet looked at her eye and seen that she was most likely pecked by the rooster. She is going to be blind in that eye but we are trying eye ointment and antibiotics in hopes to get partial eye sight back. I am just glad she is going to be alright. Thanks ya'll for the help!
Mine only shows 4 icons-no smily face. I clickdd on the one that looks like a camera. It said something about embed images...I pulledmy pic of my babies..but dont know where they

You will need to enlarge this to see it, but this is what I have. There may be restrictions for uploading pictures until you have x number of posts.

What are you trying to show?

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