Pekin Duck Club!

Tips anyone??? I have 2 pekin ducklings about 2-3 weeks old, they just got put outside couple days ago. I have their food inside their house and their water right outside of the house. However they won't go up their ramp. It's small, not high at all, so I've been having to put them inside a couple times a day to eat plus I put them in at night. How can I get them to use the ramp??? Should I quit putting them in to eat, just nervous if I do that they won't eat at all lol! I've tried peas on ramp doesn't work however they do love peas just not enough to get them off the ramp! Thanks

Do they have s heat lamp? Try meal worms :),
Tips anyone??? I have 2 pekin ducklings about 2-3 weeks old, they just got put outside couple days ago. I have their food inside their house and their water right outside of the house. However they won't go up their ramp. It's small, not high at all, so I've been having to put them inside a couple times a day to eat plus I put them in at night. How can I get them to use the ramp??? Should I quit putting them in to eat, just nervous if I do that they won't eat at all lol! I've tried peas on ramp doesn't work however they do love peas just not enough to get them off the ramp! Thank
My ducks only go in their house to lay. They prefer being outside, even when there was snow on the ground.
I was going to start working on my duck run/habitat for my pekins today. But really want to make sure it super cozy and safe for them. I love the idea of adding in plants (evergreens and shrubs) but having trouble finding out which ones are safe for inside their area. Do any of you happen to know a few that would be safe for them to be around?
One idea that works for me is to plant just outside the pen, and let the plant grow into the pen. That way they can nibble leaves but not kill the plant. Kiwi vine is said to be safe for them and we have had no problem with it. Grape vine is good. Comfrey is nice. I also plant shallow pots with lettuce and just hand the pot over to them in the pen from time to time. Laissez les bon temps roulez!!!!
Tips anyone??? I have 2 pekin ducklings about 2-3 weeks old, they just got put outside couple days ago. I have their food inside their house and their water right outside of the house. However they won't go up their ramp. It's small, not high at all, so I've been having to put them inside a couple times a day to eat plus I put them in at night. How can I get them to use the ramp??? Should I quit putting them in to eat, just nervous if I do that they won't eat at all lol! I've tried peas on ramp doesn't work however they do love peas just not enough to get them off the ramp! Thanks
Well, I hope that the night temperatures are around 75˚F or they have a heater. And at that age, they need to have food with water 24/7. Ramps are tough for ducks, often. Some take to it better than others. What is the slope on the ramp? I have read that 30˚ is the maximum slope for a duck ramp.

Please get them and their food and water all together.
yipes! what will happen if they eat it?????
Some ducklings eat shavings. Worst case, it lodges in their digestive tract and they die. Don't mean to be scary, but that happens. And many ducklings do fine on shavings. Mine were shaving eaters.
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I wish I could tell what sex my 2 are...they are 8 weeks old, and look exactly the same!! One of them "whistles" all the time--I love it, but is that the norm? :O)
A low, quieter "quackquackquack", while my Crested are louder "QUACKQUACKQUACK!". Have not molted yet (we've only had them for a week, but we don't know how old they are). The Pekin was rescued by the previous even they didn't know how old S/he is.

Based off of the research we've done online regarding male & female calls, "Aflac" sounds like a male.

- TieDyeMommy
It's sounding like a female to me but the drake feather should prevent itself by 16 weeks and confirm either way. Good luck.

No, they have always free ranged night and day. When they were young I had them in a pen, when they discovered their freedom they would avoid the pen and house at night. If I let the hens free range at night; I have to search for their eggs. Predators have never bothered our ducks, I guess they find the chickens easier targets. I know that it is a risk.
I might start leaving our drakes out at night. Our ratio boys to girls is off and until I re-home two of them I've got to do something. Thank you.

My Australian Sheppard Danni Girl , Loves Piddle and jiggles! she thinks they are her herd !lol lol lol !
PRECIOUS!! What a good dog

Can I join? I just go Pekin ducklings yesterday. I have a lot to learn.
Absolutely and welcome
Congrats on your new Pekins

Ok I'm pretty sure out ducks are scared of us all they do is run for their lives
anything we can do to help make them a lil friendlier they are about 3 to 4 wks old
I'm having this problem also. Meal worms help tremendously but that's the only time they will come near me:( OMG, I can't get over the fact that an animal doesn't love me, lol.

Hello everyone. I am a new pekin ducklings owner and I have done a lot of research on my babies before to be prepared, I was wondering if anyone could help me with a timeline on when to switch foods, move to a bigger home and when can I leave them outside to live in my backyard? I would also like some pointers on how to build a nice, comfortable, safe house for them in the back. I need pointers on these things because even though they're a week old they are growing so fast and I want to be ready. Thanks!

My babies are 6 wks old today!!

Tips anyone??? I have 2 pekin ducklings about 2-3 weeks old, they just got put outside couple days ago. I have their food inside their house and their water right outside of the house. However they won't go up their ramp. It's small, not high at all, so I've been having to put them inside a couple times a day to eat plus I put them in at night. How can I get them to use the ramp??? Should I quit putting them in to eat, just nervous if I do that they won't eat at all lol! I've tried peas on ramp doesn't work however they do love peas just not enough to get them off the ramp! Thanks
We are having the ramp issue also. I have food and water both in and out. Ducks need water at all times and food 24/7 for the first 8 weeks. I'm using meal worms on our ramp and have been able to get some of our ducks to follow the meal worms up the ramp. Do keep putting them in at night. It will take time. I'd say in about 2 weeks or so they will have it figured out.

Well, I hope that the night temperatures are around 75˚F or they have a heater. And at that age, they need to have food with water 24/7. Ramps are tough for ducks, often. Some take to it better than others. What is the slope on the ramp? I have read that 30˚ is the maximum slope for a duck ramp.

Please get them and their food and water all together.

Quite probably the whistler is a boy. Does the other one quack?
Thanks for the replies! I just moved their food outside for now and will put it back in with them at night and will try the ramp thing again once they are bigger. I'm not sure the degree of the ramp but the highest part is about 6in off ground. Plus I have it lined with the rubbery shelf liner for extra traction

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