Pekin Duck Club!

omg! I saw this and thought it was great! ive been in love with ducks for like evs and I finally got two ducklings last Friday. first a boy pekin duckling, mark, and a (I think girl, possibly boy) khaki Campbell duckling, mercy. they are always together its adorable!!!
Pics we need pics.
Thanks! The brown is a KC, I got 4 of those the week after I picked up the "pekins."See they do kinda stand up taller.....could they be pekin crossed with runner maybe? Thanks for the input!
They maybe since they do look longer in the legs than KC's I love the blend of Pekin with other breeds and probably don't get the leg problems that some have with Pekins to since they have the mix of different breed in them. You'll be getting some nice eggs soon too.
Okay my Abigail has made a nest & from a short distance she appears to have 6 eggs in it. My question is how many eggs is a clutch to a Pekin?
It's up to them really, I let them build and commit then when she comes off for a lil R&R I sneak in and slowly over a few days remove any eggs I don't want her to sit. It's called here Birth control since I can't be over run with ducks. Don't have the room. Mine never notice the eggs have been pared down once they commit they are committed.
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Oh that's great news. She's nesting in a spot I can get to with a lil work. And she's friendly enough towards me I shouldn't have a problem checking her eggs. My goose sits back on her nest as soon as she can see me. (Even though I can't exactly sneak in her house) ;)
Oh that's great news. She's nesting in a spot I can get to with a lil work. And she's friendly enough towards me I shouldn't have a problem checking her eggs. My goose sits back on her nest as soon as she can see me. (Even though I can't exactly sneak in her house)
Let us know how it goes.. I actually walk into my goose house once she comes out, look at her eggs, take a few to candle although it's still too early to see anything. Nosy Me. so now you'll have the pleasure of goslings and hopefully ducklings!!

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