Pekin Duck Club!

Thanks Amiga. I called up a vet but she said she has no clue about poultry (here in the country. Unbelievable!) and that's the advice she have me. I also disinfect it all with Lysol and let it air out most of the day outside before bringing it back in. Don't have borax and can't get to the store til late tonight as we only got one car right now. But will try that!

And I got told that fungus is ether sensitive. So maybe some rubbing alcohol?
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Or some oregano tea, that is said to be anti fungal.

There are several things that seem to get lost in medical and vet school. I happened to major in natural resources and took a course in mycology (fungi). And we had a lab in which we soaked locust beans for 30 seconds in bleach solution, set them on an agar agar plate, and had fungus growing within days.

That's when I learned Borax does the trick when bleach won't. So I try to keep track of things that are anti fungal, like coconut oil, oregano, tea tree oil. I like borax best for living space because it does not give off fumes.

But I think an oregano tea would not leave overpowering fumes. Essential oils are so very concentrated, I am cautious using them (though I do put tea tree oil in a bunch of vinegar and spritz some areas near the night pen (in my basement) when the ducks won't be in for a few hours.
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Ok so we called the vet and they told us the worst thing I HAVE TO GIVE THEM ANTI
BIOTICS we tried to stay away from it but we have to but we also cleaned the pens out and we only got 1 out of 2 done today we spent 4 hours working on it we brushed the straw out than we scratched so we got the poop that got on the floor and then we mega vaccuumed it out than we used Cloro and took mops and rubbed it all over than sponged it out than we dried it than we put new straw in but im sad we have to use antibiotics but ATLEAST it leaves there system within 5 days
No, nate1the1great1, you do not have to give your ducks those HORRIBLE antibiotics. You can let the ducks die. That's what people who hate modern medicines do—let things die like nature intended. I am not being sarcastic—I am just tired of people complaining and vilifying a medicine and then running out and using it when things get bad. If antibiotics are HORRIBLE, do NOT use them.
Willing to use a toxic byproduct of aluminium processing (bleach) and lysol (wth is in that) but not antibiotics? Borax mining near boron, ca has given that area some of the worst air quality in the world. Its an ultrafine powder that can have serious ailments of the respiratory system.

Hi all, I just started keeping ducks I have 4 pekins 2 that are 2 weeks old and two that are maybe 5 or 6 weeks old. The older ones one is making a loud quacking noise and is growing quicker than the other, could it be a male? I also have 5 Muscovy that maybe 5 or 6 wks they just started growing flight feathers
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