Pekin Duck Club!

Muscovy ladies do honk but it's usually when they are mad or a fight or something is VERY wrong, i keep a whole whack of those, i seriously recommend them if noise of ducks is a concern there is no quieter breed for females.

My understanding is Cayuga are quieter but pekin are so not, that said i keep calls.. they win! loud, loud loud... pound cake ducks with the biggest voices on the planet lol
Pekins remind me of Dr. Seuss's Thing 1 and Thing 2... They are so funny. Yours is beautiful too.


My half dozen, the drake is Donald the rest are his 'Daisey's' i cannot tell them apart if my life depended upon it.
Hello :) I've enjoyed reading and learning so many things here as well as the adorable photos! I am a 5 mnth new duckie momma :) We started out with 2 and named them Bonnie & Clyde. They were both in good health when we got them but about 2 mnths of age, Clyde developed a severe foot/leg issue which crippled him and he was unable to get around well. My daughter tended to him and he seemed to think of her as his momma. She mixed food for him and showed him lots of love
Sadly, we lost him 3 weeks ago. He was very loved! So,,,, Bonnie and my 2 mallards as well as my 5 RIR chickens are together. About 2 weeks ago, Bonnie was attacked by my neighbors dog and had a puncture wound on her neck which we quickly tended to and seems to be healing well. Today, I went out to the coop area to feed my lil one's and noticed that Bonnie had blood dripping from her eye. Right away we got a cotton ball with water to wipe off the blood and removed her from the coop because it seemed as though the "others" felt a weakness in her and we wanted to keep her safe. We are beginning the Veterycin eye gel ( which took me forever to find around here ) tonight. She is a strong lil gal. Has anything like this happened to anyone else? It doesn't look as though it pierced her eye but more around the inside corner. She has been through so much in the last 3 weeks. She isn't tame but peas help hold her still when she is being held. We love her lots. She is quite loud and unhappy to be alone so I wonder if I am doing the right thing by keeping her apart from the rest of the "clan"? We love our Pekin Duckie
Tonight we made a tub for our girl... In the shower! She loved it! We Cleaned her eye and gave her oral antibiotics. She seems to be doing well so far. Thank you again for the advice :) here she is having a blast...
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I have a 15 month old Pekin drake. He's been having trouble walking and it has gotten worse in a pretty short amount of time. Within the last few days his feet have started folding under him. I have a short video but I can't figure out how to post it here. I've tried niacin but it didn't help. I was told to give him Glucosamine but haven't tried that yet. I brought him in today and put him a tub of warm water. I'm taking him to the vet on Tuesday and I'm hoping the vet will have some answers. I'm really worried. Anyone else ever have this happen?
I am concerned he may have eaten something toxic.

Here is a sticky on flushes, and charcoal slurry (binds toxins) for you to consider.

Might he have bumblefoot? Have you looked at his feet? Are his legs warmer than usual? Have you looked at his vent? How does his tummy feel? Swollen? Squishy?

Any other symptoms? Have you let him swim in a lukewarm bath and just watched and listened? Other ducks around?

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