Pekin Duck Club!

Looking at all these pictures of little ducklings makes me wish my two ducklings, Ally and Ellie, were little yellow fluff balls again. :p They are still super cute though. Ellie is a girl, and Ally is a drake, so what should I rename him? I was thinking Ollie or Allister so that it sounds familiar. This is them with their 3 chicky friends when they were younger. I will try to get recent pictures tomorrow. :love
I like Ollie. It reminds me of Oliver Queen AKA the green arrow. I'm a nerd. Lol
Definitely name him Ollie. Then you can call him like, "Ollie, Ollie Oxen Free!"
My Pekings still gave fuzzy backs, but their wing feathers are coming in nicely. I read somewhere that the can lay eggs around 17 weeks.

I wonder how old these ducks are, and if anyone can give me a better time estimate on when to expect eggs?

I got these few days ago from a seller who could not tell the actual breed. I'm wondering if they are true Pekin ducks. Here they are at their new home this morning.


They look like Pekins to me. The fifth one looks a lot like a Pekin mixed with a Welsh Harlequin or Mallard. She's too big to be a pure Welsh Harlequin, and the color isn't quite right.
They look like Pekins to me. The fifth one looks a lot like a Pekin mixed with a Welsh Harlequin or Mallard. She's too big to be a pure Welsh Harlequin, and the color isn't quite right.

Thanx Kaessa, I suspected that she was a mixed breed as well. Just curious about what could be the source and the possible offspring that may come up.
So this is my first time owning ducks, they are around a month. The point is they just got out of the tub and I had them sitting on my lap petting them. Jojo was trying to bite me nonstop which is unlike him. His head was wet and I noticed basically it looked like a black hole on the side of his head. I kept trying to look but he wouldn't let me see. I couldn't see the same thing on Charlie yet her head wasn't wet and matted down so I couldn't see her skin. Do ducks have earholes? I don't mean to sound stupid but I don't know. They are indoor pets so its nothing from outside. Its not a bug, it wasn't moving, it wasn't a bite, no blood or anything ever. I just never noticed before. Frankly I'm curious. My two dogs were just put down and I can't handle losing another family member!
Ducks have earholes. Nothing at all to worry about.

If he's trying to bite you, is it a really fast nibble or a hard pinch and twist? The really fast nibble means he's trying to groom you.

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