Pekin Duck Club!


Hi, I'm Tabby! I have a 3 1/2 month old pekin duckling, Omelet. She's awfully big for her age, and I have some concerns. She's having trouble walking and doesn't have her quack yet. Willow, (the kaki duckling next to her) has her quack and can get around just fine!
I'm just worried that something is wrong with Omelet. Can anyone help???

Hi, I'm Tabby! I have a 3 1/2 month old pekin duckling, Omelet. She's awfully big for her age, and I have some concerns. She's having trouble walking and doesn't have her quack yet. Willow, (the kaki duckling next to her) has her quack and can get around just fine!
I'm just worried that something is wrong with Omelet. Can anyone help???

Maybe it's a "HE" hense the lack of a 'quack'?...Also, maybe a jumbo?...How long has the trrouble walking been going on? I think I've seen all of mine at one time or another limping from stumbling or getting mated by 3 males at a time...
I'm gonna do "therapy" for her everyday! I hope that will strengthen up her little legs!
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First time with ducks. These are my two piper and Gordie Quaack. They are a month old tomorrow. Iv had them on the chick starter from Tractor supply but I'm wondering if there is another.. I guess better feed I could give them instead. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
My ducks freaked out today when I went to pick them up. Hooting and hollering like I was going to eat them. After a lil research and I mean lil, it said Pekins aren't the best ducks to have as pets. Are they ****** they are house ducks? I have them in a big brooder. There are only two of them. I'm worried they hate me. I feel like maybe I'm not giving them enough attention!

Pekins are actually really big cuddlebugs... as far as ducks go. They're really laid back. They're going to freak out when you try to pick them up. And when you walk in the room. And when you wear sunglasses. Or a hat. Spend as much time with them as you can, and try getting them to eat out of your hand by giving them peas and mealworms and other yummy treats. It takes patience, and time, and more time, and patience. Mine went through a few weeks where I couldn't touch them without them completely losing it, but now they're remembering that I'm the one that brings the tasty food and have started eating out of my hand again. I spent HOURS with them when they were little. I don't think it matters.

First time with ducks. These are my two piper and Gordie Quaack. They are a month old tomorrow. Iv had them on the chick starter from Tractor supply but I'm wondering if there is another.. I guess better feed I could give them instead. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
I love your set up. Mine are stuck inside, I need to move!
but I do the same thing. I got them from tractor supply and feed them chick starter which they had them on. They are about a month and I'm gonna be done with the starter soon. What do we go to next!?
I love your set up. Mine are stuck inside, I need to move!
but I do the same thing. I got them from tractor supply and feed them chick starter which they had them on. They are about a month and I'm gonna be done with the starter soon. What do we go to next!?

Purina flock raiser is a good option, mine really liked it. Any good chicken food (pellets are good, less waste) will work, especially if you keep supplementing it with niacin until they're at least 20 weeks old.

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