Pekin Duck Club!

I love your set up. Mine are stuck inside, I need to move!
but I do the same thing. I got them from tractor supply and feed them chick starter which they had them on. They are about a month and I'm gonna be done with the starter soon. What do we go to next!?
They only go out in this when I'm home.. And it's decent out. It's been rainy and cloudy lately. Still in high 60s, they'll probably go out today. The fencing is eh.. They can get out of it if they feel like they need to (when I'm in there trying to crate them up to bring them in) I'm pretty confident in their little duck barn we made. Need to close off the one door still so they have a draft free side... And put some kind of smaller chicken wire on the other door. Not having too much luck on them being super friendly yet. I'll give them time though.
Mine haven't been super friendly lately either, they are growing up.. Lol, complete opposites. One just seems to ***** non stop and the other is calm. Mine are inside in their own room they have a pen. My hubby made it out of wood n chicken wire then they got a bed as I say full of bedding with a ramp. Easy to clean, just have pet training mats underneath. I need a new tablet n I'll take pics but I'm gonna make them a huge area in the basement to play in until we move. And who knows when that will be. Hopefully this winter. But they swim about every other day in the bathtub. The one really doesn't like swimming since her accident. Poor duckies. I hope I do enough for them.
Purina flock raiser is a good option, mine really liked it. Any good chicken food (pellets are good, less waste) will work, especially if you keep supplementing it with niacin until they're at least 20 weeks old.
I put 100 mg niacin tablet in a gallon water. Do u think that's enough? BC they splash around a lot of the water so its wasted. How old should they be when I switch them from the chick starter?
Maybe it's a "HE" hense the lack of a 'quack'?...Also, maybe a jumbo?...How long has the trrouble walking been going on? I think I've seen all of mine at one time or another limping from stumbling or getting mated by 3 males at a time...

it's been going on for a couple days.. I haven't had her with my two male's yet. but I sexed her more than enough, so I know for a fact that she's a girl. I didn't purchase her, a friend of mine gave them to me and told me she was just a pekin. I'll have to have her call the breeder and ask.
I need help! My pejin showed signs of having trouble walking today, so I rushed to the store for niacin tablets, and the ONLY ones that they had were flush free
will this do get any good? If not, what can I do?? None of the stores near me carry the normal tablets, or Brewers yeast
@Julie Bird - if you ever find yourself coming to Missouri, you let me know. I'll find a way for you to meet my feathered kids.

@Julie Bird - Same here, if you're ever heading through western Colorado, let me know. We'll get you a good duck fix on your way through.

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