Pekin Duck Club!

I need help! My pejin showed signs of having trouble walking today, so I rushed to the store for niacin tablets, and the ONLY ones that they had were flush free
will this do get any good? If not, what can I do?? None of the stores near me carry the normal tablets, or Brewers yeast

Flush free won't work. Can you order from Amazon? This is what I buy:
Another question. One of my ducks quacks but I never see who it is. That's the female, right? And is it OK to give your ducks dried mealworms?

Yep, only the girls quack. The boys just sound like they swallowed a frog.

Dried mealworms are great for ducks, just don't give them too many! It's a snack, not a meal. I really need to get some for my ducks!
I need help! My pejin showed signs of having trouble walking today, so I rushed to the store for niacin tablets, and the ONLY ones that they had were flush free
will this do get any good? If not, what can I do?? None of the stores near me carry the normal tablets, or Brewers yeast
Other options are B Complex or Super B Complex
Yep, only the girls quack. The boys just sound like they swallowed a frog.

Dried mealworms are great for ducks, just don't give them too many! It's a snack, not a meal. I really need to get some for my ducks!
That is funny about the boy ducks. You made me laugh again.

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