Pekin Duck Club!


All snug as bugs in a rug, I heard a tiny little quack tonight
@Julie Bird - if you ever find yourself coming to Missouri, you let me know. I'll find a way for you to meet my feathered kids.
Oh, Debs Flock. Thank you so much for that. You're a sweetheart. I will definitely do that. I would love to meet them and snuggle all of your feathered kiddos.
@Julie Bird - Same here, if you're ever heading through western Colorado, let me know. We'll get you a good duck fix on your way through.
You are so sweet, Kaessa. Thank you and I will take you up on that offer if I make it thru there. Your six girls are wonderful besides being so cute. A duck fix is the perfect medicine for me.
My babies got a new bigger pool and a bag of minnows today cause it's their first night in the coop with the chickens... Lol imma cry :'( I even put a night light in the coop because they are afraid of the dark lol. Im bad!!! I don't wanna let my little babies leave the nest, but
they're big kids now... Lol
My babies got a new bigger pool and a bag of minnows today cause it's their first night in the coop with the chickens... Lol imma cry :'( I even put a night light in the coop because they are afraid of the dark lol. Im bad!!! I don't wanna let my little babies leave the nest, but they're big kids now... Lol
oh, they are so sweet. i don't blame you for feeling that way. i hope they get used to the dark and don't fear it anymore.

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