Pekin Duck Club!

all snuggled up and off to dream land
They lay eggs in the pool? That's quite the water birth

I found one in the pool the other day. Tossed it, I was assuming it had been in there long enough for the nasty pool water to seep into the egg. Yuck.

They need to make a duck that doesn't make their pool filthy the minute you fill it.
I'm getting awfully worried about my ducks. They are pet ducks a month old. I can't have them outside due to where I live. The plan was when they got big to give them to my boss who owns a pond but then they'd be left to fend for themselves. They would most likely die. I could never do that, and the one gets scared easily after the water jug incident, when he's scared he flips onto his back and u have to flip him over. They need constant care but they need fresh air too! What do I do? Are there any duck lovers in western pa? I just want to do what's best for them!
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