Pekin Duck Club!

new pics of all the feathered friends oh and i upgraded the coup too to incorporate a 60 degree peaked roof and perch at the top now its still in the summer look and during the winter ill be adding couragated panels for wind and snow protection as well as another nesting/sleeping box bringing the total to three

Yes, those dynamics - here I am assuming it's the drake - very good point you make that ducks (females) can be aggressive, too, toward one another. Wish I had a video of Elf and Romy sumo wrestling.
I had Sumo wrestling going on here this morning, seems non broody's do not like attitudes of broody's and try to put them in their place, referee[me] had to step between and give broody a chance to high tail it back to her nest.

I just wrote a VERY LONG post. I'm having a kiniption fit. I guess I'll have to retype... I guess that'll teach me to save before uploading pictures.
I'm in Need of advice. Dare I tag the usual suspects? Na, I'll give it a few hours/days.

We just got two 14month old larger pekins to our YOUNG mixed flock of 8. The oldest are 2months, youngest being 5-6wks.

Donald and Daisy.
I was inside and heard a ruckus. LOTS of quacks. Which isn't like my babes. So I went out to see, low and behold there are two white ducks along with my hubby, some guy and my landlord.
My babies came running towards the two new ones. Being quite loud themselves. I think they we're trying to establish a pecking order already! (GO BABIES!)
I immediately went and got some peas and mealies, trying to introduce myself to D&D. My guys still crowded around.
Mind you at this point I already sent the DH to put up a separation.
So I spent the next 20 or more mins crouched down. Peas and mealies in hand. Daisy seems quite timid. Whereas Donald seems to be a bit more aggressive. He charged at me 3 times while i was down on his level. Aimed toward my face!
My greyfeather and Frank (my male pekin) charged after the new duck.

There are various issues here, I don't even know where to begin. I guess firstly, my landlord is Vietnamese. She was raised in a different culture, and has a very different view on how to handle these animals.
To each their own I guess, but she's planning on free/garbage feeding them. Which isn't even the large issue.
She has NO intentions on building a night coop.
This being a problem considering we already lost 6 ducks earlier this & last year. (Which we're also dumped on us by her.) We lost 2 before making a run. Then the others...
Anyway... there isn't much I can do. Aside from spending my own hard earned money... which we already have helped by putting up a partition. She wanted to put them on the other side of the house. Which is only protected by 2 sides of a fence.

I'm a such a loss of what to do!

Her two are now in a part of the yard with a pond. They can see our babies, but not get to them.

Ooohhh one problem solved! My babies came out of their run. The new guys chased/accidentally scared them in when we put them I'm their part of the yard.

Since she isn't putting up a run, the best we could do was put a table up with some hay so they have something to be under in the shade. This... I know does NOTHING against predators.
Which also brings up something else...aaahhhh! If something does get to the new guys....would that make them more tempted to come into the yard?!!!!


Lastly... there's my darling boy greyfeather. The runner..6/7week.aka shakey leg. Idk who has or hasn't been following. But he has weak legs. Only spending days outside with his friends.
I bring him in every night, and have been since they have been able to be outside.
My question is... do you guys think I should leave him outside tonight? Maybe security in being with his friends? Or would this cause more stress since he already has a routine?

So much commotion... so much to think about.

Any thoughts? Suggestions?

Here's some pictures. I don't know if you can see, but the fence separating them is on the right side of the run, on the other side of the shed.



The two new ones.

Grrr... it won't let me post more pics.
I might try to explain to the landlord that leaving those ducks out will attract predators and put yours at risk. Maybe she will grasp the idea that putting another's "property" at risk is a bad thing.

I would not change the Runner's routine today - you are jazzed up - I would hold it steady as it goes for today. As long as everyone is safe. Look at it again in the morning.
They are going on 9 weeks this Sunday. I am assuming when breeding season starts for them is when we will know. I think that should be next year... But I'm not sure. I was told the the geeses season will start at the end of this winter. I guess I should ask about when the ducks will start. Lol
mine are the same age so if you start noticing any changes or anything let me know plz!!! Lol
I had such a wonderful memories and i want my children to have the same  .. having a duck at home is amazing but since am keeping him/her indoor for the time being .. it makes me to worry, my child developed a fever today and i was going crazy i thought the duckling was the reason.. fortuitously its not =) .. don't know for how long I'll stay worried .. am not letting him to touch the duckling though i think the duckling imprinted on him ,, she follows him everywhere :love n i keep cleaning the mess =p  and disinfecting the floor :D

I know it can be scary. But seriously, if you just be careful about handwashing everything should be fine. My kids have all been around them most of their lives. :)

I might try to explain to the landlord that leaving those ducks out will attract predators and put yours at risk.  Maybe she will grasp the idea that putting another's "property" at risk is a bad thing.

I would not change the Runner's routine today - you are jazzed up - I would hold it steady as it goes for today.  As long as everyone is safe.  Look at it again in the morning.

I have Amiga. She views them as a food source and thats all. Not pets or hell animals really. As her culture has brought her up so different, she doesn't really care about the well being of others ducks...or property... we've had other issues with her before. But that's a different story.

I'm lucky I was able to talk her into separating them as they are now!

I wish I could do something more for the two new ducks. I definitely don't want mine to get hurt...which I feel inevitable. At least this early. I just don't have the funds to do any different. And it may sound horrible, but I also don't want to get attached to them as I sure fear the worst. I don't see them making it past the weekend.

As for my grey boy, I will bring him in. Not change.
My flock seems a lot more calm now. I think they have a little more sense of security now.

Thanks for the input!
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I had Sumo wrestling going on here this morning, seems non broody's do not like attitudes of broody's and try to put them in their place, referee[me] had to step between and give broody a chance to high tail it back to her nest.
Very interesting. I would have never known that. Is that because the broody ones are so hormonal? I can't even imagine the sight you came upon and had to break up.

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