Pekin Duck Club!

Ours are just over 3 months old and the only way we can tell them apart (besides the blue kote marks I gave them) is one is obviously larger than the other 2 and I think sounds more like a frog when he quacks, still no drake feather. The other 2 are much smaller and very loud quackers, so I suspect females. I want to get "ankle bracelets" but cant find duck ones in store locally. I am a first time duck mom so still learning :)
from what I understand, drakes don't always have a curly feather usually but not always, the easiest way and I think best way to tell is by voice sexing them. Females are loud and have definite quacks, drakes are raspy and as u said bigger and sounds like a frog!
Does anyone have runner eggs or runner ducklings they'd be willing to sell and ship to me?!?! :! I would give you a p.o. Box instead of an address for obvious reasons hahaha
So I have about decided I am for sure sweet Squacky is male! That means I have 2 female and one male. I really hope this doesn't become a problem. :( I have always called him a he and thought he was. He sounds like he needs a throat drop while you can hear the girls a mile away. I noticed this evening that Saffron, my oldest girl, was using him to protect her and Flower from my rooster who gets hateful when they are eating. So, question, when will he be old enough to mate with the girls? Saffron has been desperately trying to hatch her (infertile) eggs for months and I can't get her to stop. He is about 13 weeks old. I really wasn't looking to have a ton of ducks but I think I should let her hatch some when she actually can.
So I have about decided I am for sure sweet Squacky is male! That means I have 2 female and one male. I really hope this doesn't become a problem. :( I have always called him a he and thought he was. He sounds like he needs a throat drop while you can hear the girls a mile away. I noticed this evening that Saffron, my oldest girl, was using him to protect her and Flower from my rooster who gets hateful when they are eating. So, question, when will he be old enough to mate with the girls? Saffron has been desperately trying to hatch her (infertile) eggs for months and I can't get her to stop. He is about 13 weeks old. I really wasn't looking to have a ton of ducks but I think I should let her hatch some when she actually can.
Well most ducks are fully mature at about 12 weeks so they will start to mate any day now is my guess!
I'm pretty sure I have 2 female Rouens, 1 drake Pekin & 1 female Pekin. I just have one question. Rather than the drake sounding like he swallowed a frog or needs a throat lozenge, he actually has this kinda high pitched peep. Has anyone heard anything like that?
@saltandpepper2 - thanks, I'm glad your drake sounds like that, too. I was a bit worried that maybe he hadn't developed properly. It really is kind of funny to see/hear. He's the biggest of the bunch, surrounded by quackers and here he is with his little "peep, peep". Thankfully, I'm about 80% sure he's the only drake so hopefully 3 females will be enough with one drake.
 - thanks, I'm glad your drake sounds like that, too.  I was a bit worried that maybe he hadn't developed properly.  It really is kind of funny to see/hear.  He's the biggest of the bunch, surrounded by quackers and here he is with his little "peep, peep".  Thankfully, I'm about 80% sure he's the only drake so hopefully 3 females will be enough with one drake.  :fl
Luckier than me! I only have two ducks with one drake.
I've hear that with most ducks though, that's fine

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