Pekin Duck Club!

Luckier than me! I only have two ducks with one drake.
I've hear that with most ducks though, that's fine

Fingers crossed for your two, then, that they get along swimmingly.
So I have about decided I am for sure sweet Squacky is male! That means I have 2 female and one male. I really hope this doesn't become a problem.
I have always called him a he and thought he was. He sounds like he needs a throat drop while you can hear the girls a mile away. I noticed this evening that Saffron, my oldest girl, was using him to protect her and Flower from my rooster who gets hateful when they are eating. So, question, when will he be old enough to mate with the girls? Saffron has been desperately trying to hatch her (infertile) eggs for months and I can't get her to stop. He is about 13 weeks old. I really wasn't looking to have a ton of ducks but I think I should let her hatch some when she actually can.
I have a trio of Buffs, and Bean our drake is no problem with his girls. Odd thing, by the way, is he has a fixation problem with one of my other ducks. That is why I have two flocks right now - side by side, but we cannot let Bean get at Romy. Some days he is fine, some days he is obsessed. Sigh. Drakes. Love my boy, I really do.
I have a trio of Buffs, and Bean our drake is no problem with his girls.  Odd thing, by the way, is he has a fixation problem with one of my other ducks.  That is why I have two flocks right now - side by side, but we cannot let Bean get at Romy.  Some days he is fine, some days he is obsessed.  Sigh.  Drakes.  Love my boy, I really do.

I am glad to hear that your trio does good together. This is my first time with a drake so it does make me a bit nervous. He is such a considerate sweet boy right now. I just hope that continues. :)
I am glad to hear that your trio does good together. This is my first time with a drake so it does make me a bit nervous. He is such a considerate sweet boy right now. I just hope that continues.
I have found that Bean is less of a - well, less sexually active - when he is not bored. If they are out foraging, he doesn't hop on anyone. But when they are in the pen and run out of things to do, he gets more interested in mating.
I have found that Bean is less of a - well, less sexually active - when he is not bored.  If they are out foraging, he doesn't hop on anyone.  But when they are in the pen and run out of things to do, he gets more interested in mating.

That's really good to know. Mine get to spend all day out playing all over the yard and are never penned up. They do sleep in the chicken coop at night but get let out first thing every morning. They spend a lot of time playing and doing fun activities like digging the mulch out from around my plants! *sigh* lol
Hi! I am a first time ducky mommy of a Pekin Duckling. I am still I am curious in where to buy diapers for my Bailey. I have searched all over the internet but being as frugal as I am, I want to get the best possible deal for my money. Any suggestions as to where I can order from? When should I order a custom harness? If they take 2 weeks to make and need measurements, do I just wait until she is fully grown? Just trying to be as prepared as I can be for our little duckling.
eeeeee, your little duckling. Cute!!!!
That's really good to know. Mine get to spend all day out playing all over the yard and are never penned up. They do sleep in the chicken coop at night but get let out first thing every morning. They spend a lot of time playing and doing fun activities like digging the mulch out from around my plants! *sigh* lol
Heeeheeee, silly birds do whatever they want. And have fun doing it too.
I have a few questions, they are stupid but I don't know so I hope someone answers me. Can a Pekins mate with a different breed of duck and still have babies. And my other question, do they always lay eggs, and its only when they mate, that they could be fertile?

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