Pekin Duck Club!

Oh wow.  That will be interesting.  Please brief us after.  I hope it goes well too.  I guess you'll find out Henry's intentions once the divider disappears for the trial run.  
Both Henry and Hazel are pretty aggressive to the geese. :( They hunch down real low like ninjas and try to grab at them. Today they were going for necks! I am going to give it a week and try again. By then the pilgrims should be pretty close in size. The pilgrims are so sweet. I can pick them up without a struggle and they just sit real quiet in my arms. It's so hard to see them get nipped at by the ducks.
Hazel looking pretty!
If it was daylight, I'd have to guess an eagle or a hawk.  Foxes and raccoons are generally nighttime hunters.  I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that she's just off having fun somewhere.

She never showed back up, so I assume a predator got her :( I am thinking about ordering sexed ducks from Metzer Farm. Has anyone purchased from them before? We only have straight runs available at the feed store. I am in Michigan if anyone knows of some place else I could check.
Thanks everyone. If it was a predator there would be a mess of feathers correct? I dont know what to think, usually they are NEVER more than 3-5 feet apart from each other. And it had to be a hen too
Oh no. I am sad over that. I actually thought about it at work. It almost makes you want to keep them inside all the time or with constant supervision. I hate to think what happened.
Both Henry and Hazel are pretty aggressive to the geese.
They hunch down real low like ninjas and try to grab at them. Today they were going for necks! I am going to give it a week and try again. By then the pilgrims should be pretty close in size. The pilgrims are so sweet. I can pick them up without a struggle and they just sit real quiet in my arms. It's so hard to see them get nipped at by the ducks.
I wonder why Henry and Hazel are like that. Sheesh. Birds. I love them but don't like their aggression towards one another. My microscopic finches can be a-holes towards each other and when I come home I see feathers everywhere. That is part of the reason why I let them out when I am home. Distance, kids, distance.

I feel bad about the sweet pilgrims being treated like that. But it is so neat you can pick them up and they let you. Argh. I bet they are so soft and warm.

Will they be quite a bit bigger than Hazel and Henry when they are fully grown and thus have the potential to turn the tables on them.

Kudos to you for supervising and being careful about them being exposed to each other.
I wanted to give an update on JoJo and Charlie. Since I switched to brewers yeast instead if niacin tablets, JoJo has been doing great, no seizures now for over a month so thank you everyone. And I took all the advice on how to cure his "poo" and so far the eggs and diatomaceous earth seem to be working,definitely working. My little bonded pair is adorable. They are inseparable, I've been working on their duck garden all week, all the veggies are in, I didn't but the pet gazebo bc too expensive and it really seems to tiny for them. I need an idea for something to put in my garden for their shelter/bed and I need to know what kinds of flowers to plant!!!!! I was thinking Marigold and Petunia s?!!?!! Is that alright?
Marigolds are fine! Here's a list others that work well.

1. Sword Ferns - tried it don't like it. They love to root underneath it though. Good bugs hide there!
2. Foxglove - tried it, spit it right back out.
3. Oregano - I have some growing in the middle of the yard in back (from previous owner) they've mowed all the grass around it, they don't even root under it.
4. Sage - I have a sage garden I let them root around in, they've tried it, don't like it.
5 Lemon Verbena - never touched it - don't root around it either
6. Tarragon - Hate it
7. Savory - Hate it, they won't even step on it, but go around it.
8. Bamboo - nibble at the lower leaves, can't get at most of the leaves, leave the new stalks alone.
9. Calendula - they will lay on it, have nibbled on it, but they don't like the taste.
10. Tomatillo - I wish they would eat it, I planted WAY too many this year.

11. Honeysuckle
12. Sweet Pea
13. Morning Glory
14. Rosmary
15. English Ivy
16. Vinca Minor

Edited by rainplace - 9/23/09 at 5:22pm
Quack addict and animal lover.
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I wanted to give an update on JoJo and Charlie. Since I switched to brewers yeast instead if niacin tablets, JoJo has been doing great, no seizures now for over a month so thank you everyone. And I took all the advice on how to cure his "poo" and so far the eggs and diatomaceous earth seem to be working,definitely working. My little bonded pair is adorable. They are inseparable, I've been working on their duck garden all week, all the veggies are in, I didn't but the pet gazebo bc too expensive and it really seems to tiny for them. I need an idea for something to put in my garden for their shelter/bed and I need to know what kinds of flowers to plant!!!!! I was thinking Marigold and Petunia s?!!?!! Is that alright?
Awesome news about your duo. JoJo especially given the problems he had before. Congratulations.

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