Pekin Duck Club!

OMG.  Hazel.  Wow.  She is not only pretty but IMO very cute huggable and kissable.  I am impressed!!
Awe, thank you Julie bird! She's my sweet girl. She's a little bit of sassy mixed with tons of adorableness. She let's you know when she wants something. Henry finally found his voice! His cute peeping days are over. He used to whistle at me when he wanted my attention. Now he's got a frog stuck in his throat. It's pretty cute. The difference between male and female voices is pretty neat.
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I hope I'm doing this right lol. I have 3 pekins. How do I tell if they are male or female? not a good pic this is them when I get them up in the morning lol
I hope I'm doing this right lol. I have 3 pekins. How do I tell if they are male or female? not a good pic this is them when I get them up in the morning lol
From what I understand, males are more low and throaty, quieter mumblers, need a cough drop sound. The girls, QUACK! Many/most males develop a curled feather on their tail. Looks like someone took a curling iron to one feather!
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I hope I'm doing this right lol. I have 3 pekins. How do I tell if they are male or female? not a good pic this is them when I get them up in the morning lol

Males have a hoarse quack, and will quack back and forth to each other, and when they get older the frames tail feather will curl :p
Marigolds are fine! Here's a list others that work well.

1. Sword Ferns - tried it don't like it. They love to root underneath it though. Good bugs hide there!
2. Foxglove - tried it, spit it right back out.
3. Oregano - I have some growing in the middle of the yard in back (from previous owner) they've mowed all the grass around it, they don't even root under it.
4. Sage - I have a sage garden I let them root around in, they've tried it, don't like it.
5 Lemon Verbena - never touched it - don't root around it either
6. Tarragon - Hate it
7. Savory - Hate it, they won't even step on it, but go around it.
8. Bamboo - nibble at the lower leaves, can't get at most of the leaves, leave the new stalks alone.
9. Calendula - they will lay on it, have nibbled on it, but they don't like the taste.
10. Tomatillo - I wish they would eat it, I planted WAY too many this year.

11. Honeysuckle
12. Sweet Pea
13. Morning Glory
14. Rosmary
15. English Ivy
16. Vinca Minor

Edited by rainplace - 9/23/09 at 5:22pm
Quack addict and animal lover.
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aren't 11-16 poison for.ducks?

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