Pekin Duck Club!

Here are all my ducks.
Squacky, Flower, Saffron, and Charlie the honorary duck. She is an Australorp that was alone in the brooder with Squacky and Flower and they all think she's a duck, too!

very special group there.
my duck has been limping from a wound on her foot. She's done this before and then eventually got better with antibiotics and now I'm playing the wait game again. I've been helping her get to her pool and out to the field when it's time to graze and today after the drake got a hold of her good lovin she got to the side of the pool she started to point her tail down with her chest thrusting forward, and then she'd mash her head in the ground or curl it under her in a very uncomfortable looking manner all whilst shivering. So I put her in the water and she layed flat in the water and then again points her tail down and then submerged her head in water to a point that made me nervous that she wouldn't come back up. She's become very docile and just lethargic she's still eating and drinking but something is wrong. Help !
my duck has been limping from a wound on her foot. She's done this before and then eventually got better with antibiotics and now I'm playing the wait game again. I've been helping her get to her pool and out to the field when it's time to graze and today after the drake got a hold of her good lovin she got to the side of the pool she started to point her tail down with her chest thrusting forward, and then she'd mash her head in the ground or curl it under her in a very uncomfortable looking manner all whilst shivering. So I put her in the water and she layed flat in the water and then again points her tail down and then submerged her head in water to a point that made me nervous that she wouldn't come back up. She's become very docile and just lethargic she's still eating and drinking but something is wrong. Help !
First off I don't have Pekins and I'm sure those that do will be on soon, but I wanted to say when you have a duck exhibiting the symptoms you just mentioned first thing I would do is separate her from any drake. Last thing she needs when feeling bad is having to mate with him. Could be an infection going on especially with shivering sounds like she is in pain or very cold.You say you had used an antibiotic before what was it? and let me ask is there any way you can take her to a vet? they can diagnose illness and disease alot better than us. If not though then we need to know more when was the last time she laid an egg, since egg binding is always a worry when we hear something like this. and What is her diet and housing set up. Is her foot completely healed because staff can run through out their bodies and be fatal if not treated. so pics of her and her foot would be good, actually if you can do it a video of her and what she is doing would be good. I'd keep her inside where she can rest and stay warm and away from the drake so she has a chance of recovery. and please don't put her in the pool when she is shivering and never leave her in water when having symptoms you described. I'm sure you wouldn't but some may so I have to say it.
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my duck has been limping from a wound on her foot. She's done this before and then eventually got better with antibiotics and now I'm playing the wait game again. I've been helping her get to her pool and out to the field when it's time to graze and today after the drake got a hold of her good lovin she got to the side of the pool she started to point her tail down with her chest thrusting forward, and then she'd mash her head in the ground or curl it under her in a very uncomfortable looking manner all whilst shivering. So I put her in the water and she layed flat in the water and then again points her tail down and then submerged her head in water to a point that made me nervous that she wouldn't come back up. She's become very docile and just lethargic she's still eating and drinking but something is wrong. Help !

First thing to do is secure her from the group. Protecting from predators and drakes alike.

I have a couple of suggestions, depends on you of course.

Probiotics. Always. Healthy or sick. ACV every other day, healthy or sick.

Super booster - loaded with nutrients and antibiotics (the antibotics she'll shed)
Stress Aid - same as Super booster, but I don't think there are any Antibiotics.

I also use colloidal silver and niacin. I had a duckling belly down as of Sunday. He's on stress aid (being switched to electrolytes today) and I give him a few drops of colloidal silver. I've been told he will take 3+ weeks to recover. Once I added the silver within 4 hours he was making his way around. He isn't recovered by any means but a 30-40% improvement and able to get around. Before he wasn't able to go anywhere.

I hope your girls gets better fast!! Good luck!
Please answer some questions. This will help figure out what's wrong & what can be done to help.

What's the brand name of the food you provide them?
Do you add any Niacin or B vitamins to their food?
How long has this been going on?
Can you provide a better description relating to "hard time moving around and looks funny when it walks"? Do the legs look bowed or crooked?

Please also post a pic or video (better option) of him moving about. If a picture make sure the legs are clearly visible and a couple of different angles would be good.

I'll tag some people that can help once these questions are answered.

@Miss Lydia
The duck should have ALREADY been isolated, as soon as you know there's a problem, it should be away from the others because your only going to end up with MORE problems and MORE issues??? I'm confused as to why we waiting for another duck to pick on it to do this.
Were you able to find Niacin? If the food you're giving them doesn't have it, they need it added to their food. Brewers yeast contains Niacin. There are other sources as well, but I use Brewers yeast in powder form. I add one tablespoon per cup of food. I order mine on Amazon.

I can't really picture how the duck is walking more upright. LOL...hopefully you can get the video posted. You should also separate the duck since its getting picked on. How many ducks do you have? Ideally, the duck getting picked on could be put in a separate area with one buddy that's nice.
I did find some Niacin and started adding it today. I have the video on my computer now but can't figure out how to upload it in ,y reply. Any tips?
This is our special needs DOUBLE crested Pekin "Daffy"...She has a balance issue and she can't stand since birth....We just couldn't, after looking in those eyes, cull her...So, we decided we'd just do what we have to...Built slings and every contraption imaginable to find some way to keep her comfy, now we're to a box with a thin track that doesn't allow her to roll, works!...We also take her outside everyday and let her swim in one of the pools, she swims in circles LOL...We just sit there and make sure she doesn't drown herself but she's getting better...We should have named her Earnhonk as she can only turn left! After she's done her swim, if I'm home(or later when I get home), I bring her out and we just snuggle on the couch...She is so sweet!

This is our special needs DOUBLE crested Pekin "Daffy"...She has a balance issue and she can't stand since birth....We just couldn't, after looking in those eyes, cull her...So, we decided we'd just do what we have to...Built slings and every contraption imaginable to find some way to keep her comfy, now we're to a box with a thin track that doesn't allow her to roll, works!...We also take her outside everyday and let her swim in one of the pools, she swims in circles LOL...We just sit there and make sure she doesn't drown herself but she's getting better...We should have named her Earnhonk as she can only turn left! After she's done her swim, if I'm home(or later when I get home), I bring her out and we just snuggle on the couch...She is so sweet!

Those pictures are precious, and Daffy is adorable, thank you for giving her a good life. Did you breed 2 crested to get Daffy?
Those pictures are precious, and Daffy is adorable, thank you for giving her a good life. Did you breed 2 crested to get Daffy?

We have crested and not crested Pekins so could be...Here they are, plus a crested fawn runner who hangs with them...Head on left you can't see is not crested...

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