Pekin Duck Club!

Hey everyone,

It's bee a while since I was last on here. Have a few questions hopefully somebody has the answers. Is it normal for ducks to only stand on one leg it seems they do it more when they are sleeping just never seen it before and want to make sure nothing is wrong. Also, my larger pekin duck the one I think is a male has one of his wings that don't completely test against his body and droops down and brushes the ground and his other one does not do that and neither of my females are like that so I'm wondering what might be wrong there and what I can do to help!
HI, I have two Pekins and they are worth their weight in gold for their comical entertainment value. Mrs Daffodil and Mr Walter White. Seriously so funny and fun to interact with. They were both rescues and are my first birds ever. They are free range at day and cooped at night for their protection. I love them and my little kids love them. I can hold them and pet them and they follow me around the yard and eat from my hand (often nudge me to feed them.) And my kids can sit close to them while they eat treats tossed to them on the ground. Daffodil is very very bossy, and honks and bobs her head tons and Walter just little-quacks, 'yes dear, yes dear.' She even will nag and scold us!
She likes bananas, cabbage, spinach but Walter doesn't much care for those. He loves watermelon and zuchinni (so does she.) But their favorite FAVorite treat is earthworms as I am gardening. She will literally climb up in my lap or wiggle her way under and between my arms to be in the middle of where I'm digging/weeding/planting. They love me to forage with them in the leaf pile for big fat worms. They will even get very close with the children for worms. Hah. So fun, and glad I have them. But warning: wow do they POOP!!!

Way better than chickens! I have 7 hens, and HAD 3 roos. But I do like my chickens too <3

Glad you're enjoying your Pekins. They certainly are lots of fun! I just want to caution you about earthworms. I don't recall the exact type, but they tend to be carriers or something for intestinal parasites. You might want to do some reading on it. I'm sorry I don't have the specifics for you. You can search this site in the bar near the top of each page.
Hey everyone,

It's bee a while since I was last on here. Have a few questions hopefully somebody has the answers. Is it normal for ducks to only stand on one leg it seems they do it more when they are sleeping just never seen it before and want to make sure nothing is wrong. Also, my larger pekin duck the one I think is a male has one of his wings that don't completely test against his body and droops down and brushes the ground and his other one does not do that and neither of my females are like that so I'm wondering what might be wrong there and what I can do to help!

I know the standing on one leg thing is completely normal. They often sleep that way and they'll tuck their bill into their feathers. Sorry, I'm no help on the wing issue. You might want to search something called "angel wing".
Hello, we are new to the duck world! We have a Pekin. Her name is Piggy :)

She is our dog ducky. She comes all over the place with us. To get ice cream, to friend/families houses to visit, on trips LOL we just love her.

As you see, she is my husband's duck. This is them in our living room haha

Hello, we are new to the duck world! We have a Pekin. Her name is Piggy :) She is our dog ducky. She comes all over the place with us. To get ice cream, to friend/families houses to visit, on trips LOL we just love her. As you see, she is my husband's duck. This is them in our living room haha
Hello and welcome! That is just too cute! :)
Hello and welcome! That is just too cute!

X2!! does she wear a diaper?

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