Pekin Duck Club!

@amiga ----> the buff and blue Swedish ducks don't like to be handled at all, so I'm always concerned that if I force the issue, they could get hurt trying to get away from me

@amiga ----> the buff and blue Swedish ducks don't like to be handled at all, so I'm always concerned that if I force the issue, they could get hurt trying to get away from me
Never chase them down out in the open,I either walk slowly behind mine and walk them into their house or into a corner of the smaller fenced area. pick them up around the outside of their body over their wings that way they can't hit you in the face. Didn't do such a good job of that with my goose once and she hit me in the face bent my glasses, you should have been there when I explained that when I went to get them fixed.
There are a couple of places there on that foot that look like could develop into bumble so keep an eye on them. At bedtime you could put some antibiotic salve on them that way it would stay on over night wouldn't hurt to do this. Better safe than sorry.
@miss Lydia----> thank you for your help, I don't chase them in the open I learned that with the chickens. I actually learned the hard way to pick up around the wings I got slapped in the face and ended up with conjunctivitis.
Should I still full up their pool the weather overnight has been In the 30's
I have three Buffs who are the same way - I have been working on improving the situation - and I can get ahold of them with minimal kerfuffle if necessary.

Folks with larger animals will set up a chute - a fence that narrows down like a horizontal funnel. And following exams with treats may help, too. Go with your instincts, though. I can only share ideas and experience with my own flock(s).
@Amiga----> thank you for your help too, I don't want to stress them out any more than necessary. I brought them in and soaked their feet in some warm water and Epsom salt. Then sprayed some Vetericyn on it I'm just worried with winter coming
@miss Lydia----> thank you for your help, I don't chase them in the open I learned that with the chickens. I actually learned the hard way to pick up around the wings I got slapped in the face and ended up with conjunctivitis.
Should I still full up their pool the weather overnight has been In the 30's
I only have 1 pool set up now and it was 31 this morning but still warming into 50-60's during the day for now, the only ones to get in the pool was my geese they seem oblivious to the cold, My Muscovy's love the water but wait till it's a bit warmer before getting in. Once it goes below freezing and stays there even during the day I don't leave water out for them, if we have a day in the high 30's low 40's I'll let them have the cement mixing tub to play in. that way I can dump it easy.
If Lily is sitting on her nest, i believe shes trying to hatch yet shes still laying. She gets off her nest to eat and go outside. Point being, should i seperate her and jojo? I dont know how this works
If Lily is sitting on her nest, i believe shes trying to hatch yet shes still laying. She gets off her nest to eat and go outside. Point being, should i seperate her and jojo? I dont know how this works
Based on my limited experience with broodies (infertile eggs) - I have seen that some ducks will call their own shots on timing. Sounds like she's not ready to really sit yet, and I would not separate them if they are getting along.

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