Pekin Duck Club!

The babies are eerily quiet, but they certainly did let me know they were unhappy early this morning!
I checked their water around 11, and I thought they should be okay overnight since they probably be sleeping most of the time anyway.
They told me otherwise around 3:30. :D
So, should I be playing with them all the time to get them to imprint on me? I left them alone the first day because I was told that they had been weak upon arrival at the feed store. Other than letting Duckling hold them, I've left them alone.
I just got a response from Cackle hatchery. I asked them about the dark spots some of us have on our "Pekin: babies. They didn't respond to my question, just said it wasn't their's.
So I did some more searching, and I am pretty darn sure that these really are Pekins. I will continue to ask the hatcheries, but I wanted to share because A, it's bothering me. B, I know I am not the only one, and it was more than one batch since the other person posted a week or two before mine were born.
Hi Lori, her walking has improved. she still steps on and over her own feet. but she is doing much better, kinda like she is getting use to her own feet and she is stepping higher and further to miss her own feet. kwim (know what i mean)? she just needs more time and practice walking. thanks
OH GOOD TO HERE... It should be close to where she can take her swimming lessons right? That should help as well. Hows the white flaky stuff on her feet?
I just got a response from Cackle hatchery. I asked them about the dark spots some of us have on our "Pekin: babies. They didn't respond to my question, just said it wasn't their's.
So I did some more searching, and I am pretty darn sure that these really are Pekins. I will continue to ask the hatcheries, but I wanted to share because A, it's bothering me. B, I know I am not the only one, and it was more than one batch since the other person posted a week or two before mine were born.
Your Pekins have dark spots?? can you show us a pic?
We don't have to "be there" to have an answer. Anything is possible. I'm just not sure it's probable.
I was looking at photos. I see a resemblance, but not a common one. In the photos, only a few had the pink bill, and none were so yellow. Let alone all yellow. :D It was making me hopeful. I also didn't see yellow feet.
I also can't stop tripping on the fact that someone else has a duckling like them.
I'm still hopeful.
The babies are eerily quiet, but they certainly did let me know they were unhappy early this morning!
I checked their water around 11, and I thought they should be okay overnight since they probably be sleeping most of the time anyway.
They told me otherwise around 3:30.

So, should I be playing with them all the time to get them to imprint on me? I left them alone the first day because I was told that they had been weak upon arrival at the feed store. Other than letting Duckling hold them, I've left them alone.
You want them friendly and the only way to do that is to spend time with them. They need to see you as their protector,care giver and leader.When I have babies in the house they are always in the same room we are in except for night unless it's just one then it will go to my room with me.
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