Pekin Duck Club!

I always refer to him as a boy, but lately he really doesnt quack at all and when he does its very low and raspy not as loud as when he was a baby.

Drakes don't quack-they do the low, raspy noises. All my girls quack and honk and chat constantly-my drake only pipes in once in awhile with his whispery low tones. It helps me pick him out of the group since he doesn't have his sex feather, yet.
:welcome  Glad to see you! Yes, this is the place if you have ducks!  Can't help with the diapers, mine are outside. Thank goodness! I don't know how you handle all the mess! Mine were terrible, poop and water everywhere! But I LOVE them!! But now they are teens and outside with the adults!! Yea!!

Good luck!

Sally Sunshine has a link for making diapers.

Does this one look like a pekin to you guys? She started turning tan instead of white, is that normal at about 3-4 months?
I am at 3,000 ft-mountain rage 2,000 ft at the center of town. I am in between. Still trying to get a hang of water crystals. It's been crazy around here. Don't have time to get on much. We made a few changes around here. Humidity pads came so did the water fountain we ordered.maybe weekend it will slow down.
By 3 months of age he/she should have a "drake" feather (the curled feather above the tail). Looks large for a Pekin, maybe a jumbo Pekin? I have one, she is quite a bit larger then my "regular" Pekin.

Good Luck!
i have 2 drake pekins and one has never had a curly tail feather and definately is a drake. they are both 14 months old now and the one has still not grown a curly tail feather.... not sure why?
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Hey everyone. I'm new to this website, but it seems like the place to be if you have ducks. ;) Can anyone tell me when I can buy diapers for my two Pekins? They are 6 weeks old and DEFINITELY need diapers.
Hi, i make duck diapers. i just need to know the size of your ducks, you would need to measure their back length and the width of them at their widest part of their back, just behind their wings.

thank you
Hi, i make duck diapers. i just need to know the size of your ducks, you would need to measure their back length and the width of them at their widest part of their back, just behind their wings.

thank you

p.s. i can make an opening on the top so your ducks tail feathers will be exposed so they can get to their oil gland. let me know which you prefer.

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