Pekin Duck Club!

So one of our females is limping today while she walks and has a little trouble with running but will push herself to keep up with the others we check both of her feet for any kind of injuries and found nothing no open wounds no scratchet absulutly nothing should I be worried or should I give her a couple of days and see if it passes. Any kind of advice would be great please
How old? Is this a duckling? If so, does she have niacin in the food?

If it is an older duck, I probably would just watch her since you saw nothing wrong with her feet or legs. Maybe someone with more experience will chime in here.

Good luck!
I'm getting rid of my last 2 pekins, 2 males in October. (They are going to a very nice place) just thought id share. Even though I won't have pekins anymore, (though I am getting a white call) I will still continue to answer questions and help out on the thread, as these lovely ducks were my first breed and I have always had a pekin for all the years I've been raising ducks.
These are some pics of our 2 Pekin ducks, Mini and Hercules! They are both female, we got lucky because we bought them both straight run from TSC, and 13 weeks old! Mini has a more orange bill and Hercules has a more pale bill.

(Mini front, Hercules back)


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