Pekin Duck Club!


Here's how I instill the broodiness bug in Pekin hens, two 21 day old Pekin hens making them babysit eleven 3 day old Pekins. They grow up more likely to go broody.
Hello & Welcome!
I actually haven't been on here in quite a while but just happened to see your post - here's what we do!

Hang the sticky fly trap paper things on the outside of the pen - don't want it to fall down and have the ducks get to it

Hang vanilla car fresheners - also on the outside of the pen - flies don't like the vanilla scent

Make Lactic Acid Bacteria and pour it in your pens - keeps odor down, thus helping fly population
I just finished making a batch for all our pens. Fed the "cheese" to the dogs and my sick rooster.
Here's a link for that -

Purchase parasitic wasps - they eat the fly eggs. This works best when you are using some kind of trap for the adults at the same time. While we still use the sticky traps sometimes too, we also use a big trap that we purchased from - you can get the parasitic wasps there as well.

Hope that helps!
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