Pekin Duck Club!

So I'm dying to share a bit of the duck struggle I'm going through. One of my Perkins started limping a week ago and now can barely get around. I've done epson salt soaks, and put her in a warm tub, but don't see signs of bumble foot or a break. Long story shot, I have an appointment at the vet Saturday and am keeping her comfortable in the meantime.

But I noticed all these little black spots on her bill. I thought they were mud, but all this time after her not getting around and many soaks, how could it still be there. I try to scratch it a little, nothing comes off. I'm panicking thinking that she's got some fungal growth. I run out and check the rest of the birds. A little on the other Pekin, who could tell on a Blue Swedish?! Oh gawd, I'm thinking, it's more than a bum leg, it's some crazy infection and what if I lose my whole flock?!

My BF tells me to calm down and not think the worst as I'm googling it. Turns out, no big deal. Thread after thread of Pekin owners whose ducks get these "freckles" as they age.

I'm new to ducks, it's my first year. Just when I think I'm getting it lol.

Hopefully the vet can help me square up poor Dafodil Saturday.
So I'm dying to share a bit of the duck struggle I'm going through. One of my Perkins started limping a week ago and now can barely get around. I've done epson salt soaks, and put her in a warm tub, but don't see signs of bumble foot or a break. Long story shot, I have an appointment at the vet Saturday and am keeping her comfortable in the meantime.

But I noticed all these little black spots on her bill. I thought they were mud, but all this time after her not getting around and many soaks, how could it still be there. I try to scratch it a little, nothing comes off. I'm panicking thinking that she's got some fungal growth. I run out and check the rest of the birds. A little on the other Pekin, who could tell on a Blue Swedish?! Oh gawd, I'm thinking, it's more than a bum leg, it's some crazy infection and what if I lose my whole flock?!

My BF tells me to calm down and not think the worst as I'm googling it. Turns out, no big deal. Thread after thread of Pekin owners whose ducks get these "freckles" as they age.

I'm new to ducks, it's my first year. Just when I think I'm getting it lol.

Hopefully the vet can help me square up poor Dafodil Saturday.
How old is Daffodil? Yes the females get freckles when they mature. Usually as they come to egg laying age. I hope you get answers ya need from vet and it's nothing major. Best of Luck!
So I'm dying to share a bit of the duck struggle I'm going through. One of my Perkins started limping a week ago and now can barely get around. I've done epson salt soaks, and put her in a warm tub, but don't see signs of bumble foot or a break. Long story shot, I have an appointment at the vet Saturday and am keeping her comfortable in the meantime.

But I noticed all these little black spots on her bill. I thought they were mud, but all this time after her not getting around and many soaks, how could it still be there. I try to scratch it a little, nothing comes off. I'm panicking thinking that she's got some fungal growth. I run out and check the rest of the birds. A little on the other Pekin, who could tell on a Blue Swedish?! Oh gawd, I'm thinking, it's more than a bum leg, it's some crazy infection and what if I lose my whole flock?!

My BF tells me to calm down and not think the worst as I'm googling it. Turns out, no big deal. Thread after thread of Pekin owners whose ducks get these "freckles" as they age.

I'm new to ducks, it's my first year. Just when I think I'm getting it lol.

Hopefully the vet can help me square up poor Dafodil Saturday.

Do you notice any swelling in the leg she isn't using?? Also is she getting extra niacin? Esp as she is growing

Our three ducklings arrived yesterday! Elizabeth, Emma, and Fanny. They're absolutely wonderful!!!! I'm so excited. This is our first experience with ducks
Have fun with them. Our 3 ducklings are now a week old. It is amazing how quickly they grow, and how much they start eating and pooping!!!
Here our 2 of ours at 4 days old sleeping in my daughter's arm. She has been using little bits of lettuce to teach them to "come", "jump" and "turn". They learned really fast! First we floated tiny bits of lettuce in a dish so that they could learn to eat it. Make sure that they always have water after trying the lettuce. The pieces were really tiny (fingernail size).
I'll have to give that a try. I've been having a hard time making them at ease when I'm giving them attention unfortunately



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