Pekin Duck Club!

Guys, is it normal for Pekin ducklings to sleep a lot ? Mine eat, drink, do everything normally...but they sleep a whole lot more than my others ever did. I'm getting kinda worried

They wake very easily and seem alert & happy when they are awake, but they doze a lot.
Babies do need their rest. if they are acting normal other wise then maybe the brooder is too warm. Check your temp.
This is literally picture perfect!!

Being that the duck is crested, does that mean all the babies are crested too? Or does the duck & Drake both have to be crested? My female is crested slightly, & my Drake is a jumbo??

You can only breed a regular duck with a crested duck, 50% will be crested and the other 50% will not (if I remember right) you can never breed two crested together
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This is literally picture perfect!!

Being that the duck is crested, does that mean all the babies are crested too? Or does the duck & Drake both have to be crested? My female is crested slightly, & my Drake is a jumbo??

Thanks. :D

There are five with crests and two without. When you breed a crested to a crestless you get about 50/50 however my dominant drake is also crested so he passes that on to the embryos in the eggs the other five girls lay. It is unadvised to breed to crested as it causes a lot of problems.
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Thanks. :D

There are five with crests and two without. When you breed a crested to a crestless you get about 50/50 however my dominant drake is also crested so he passes that on to the embryos in the eggs the other five girls lay. It is unadvised to breed to crested as it causes a lot of problems.


Flossy my girl. She barely has a crest, so it makes me wonder if any of her ducklings would have 1...


Felix & Flossy- my Pekin pair!

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