Pekin Duck Club!


Flossy my girl. She barely has a crest, so it makes me wonder if any of her ducklings would have 1...


Felix & Flossy- my Pekin pair!

They probably will. Since the gene is subdominant the parents can have it but not express it and their offspring will have it.

This is Lord Farquack my drake, his is teeniest little crest but his daughter has a huge one.

Princess Leia.
(Her brother in the background.)
Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I've posted in here. I have a pair of Pekins- Hazel and Henry who are going on two years this spring. I used to come on here all the time when they were babies and always got the best advice... So here I am again!
So here's my dilemma. Much to my surprise Hazel has had a successful hatch! She tried many times last spring with no results. So I didn't really take her seriously when she started laying on this batch of eggs. Well, my boyfriend was out by the pen this afternoon and heard some very distressed peeping. He thought a bird had gotten in the pen. It's happened before. After some investigation he found one little fuzzy duckling hiding behind the duck house. Meanwhile mom didn't seem too concerned and was in her house still laying on the rest of the eggs and dad was out doing his own thing. After about 15 minutes of trying to get the duckling out from behind the house, we decided to bring him inside to warm up. It is chilly and rainy today. Here's my problem... It's a mystery as to why this little one wasn't with mom. I don't know why he went where he did to hide but I'm guessing it has something to do with dad. I thought about separating him from mom and baby but I'm not sure how I would do that with the way our setup is. Not to mention he's never been away from Hazel and is protective of her. The baby can't be more than a day old. He was dry and fluffy when we found him thankfully or I'm pretty sure he would have gotten chilled and died. I have checked and so far none of the other eggs show signs of hatching. Hoping he's not an only duckling. For tonight he's in a brooder in the house with a heatlamp with a good appetite and drinking wonderfully. I just don't know if I should put him back in with mom being she didn't seem to attentive or concerned about where he was. He was clearly in distress crying to her. I would much rather let her do the rearing... lol! I remember how much work they are and I was just thinking before we found him how thankful I was that ours are grown! I just don't know what to do with this little guy. Suggestions are welcome!
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Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I've posted in here. I have a pair of Pekins- Hazel and Henry who are going on two years this spring. I used to come on here all the time when they were babies and always got the best advice... So here I am again!
So here's my dilemma. Much to my surprise Hazel has had a successful hatch! She tried many times last spring with no results. So I didn't really take her seriously when she started laying on this batch of eggs. Well, my boyfriend was out by the pen this afternoon and heard some very distressed peeping. He thought a bird had gotten in the pen. It's happened before. After some investigation he found one little fuzzy duckling hiding behind the duck house. Meanwhile mom didn't seem too concerned and was in her house still laying on the rest of the eggs and dad was out doing his own thing. After about 15 minutes of trying to get the duckling out from behind the house, we decided to bring him inside to warm up. It is chilly and rainy today. Here's my problem... It's a mystery as to why this little one wasn't with mom. I don't know why he went where he did to hide but I'm guessing it has something to do with dad. I thought about separating him from mom and baby but I'm not sure how I would do that with the way our setup is. Not to mention he's never been away from Hazel and is protective of her. The baby can't be more than a day old. He was dry and fluffy when we found him thankfully or I'm pretty sure he would have gotten chilled and died. I have checked and so far none of the other eggs show signs of hatching. Hoping he's not an only duckling. For tonight he's in a brooder in the house with a heatlamp with a good appetite and drinking wonderfully. I just don't know if I should put him back in with mom being she didn't seem to attentive or concerned about where he was. He was clearly in distress crying to her. I would much rather let her do the rearing... lol! I remember how much work they are and I was just thinking before we found him how thankful I was that ours are grown! I just don't know what to do with this little guy. Suggestions are welcome!
@JLynnsDuckies you could try slipping him back under mama, not guarantee she'll accept him though. So you'll need to hang around a while and watch. As for dad it is best to fence off where mom and ducklings will be so drake cannot have access to the babies for at least 1-2 weeks some drakes tolerate other can kill. So if you can fix it so dad can still see them but can't get to them that would be ideal. I am glad you found the lil one but I can tell you from experience when a duck is sitting on her eggs she won't go looking for a wanderer so fix any areas where a duckling can slip out or you may find more in distress.
Okay... I will have to get out there at some point today and see what I can do. I would much rather have mamma do her job! Hand raising ducklings in the house is so much work! I cherish the experience with my other two... But I would love to see Hazel mothering this little one. One more question... I'm guessing this one to be one maybe two days old. I checked this morning on Hazel and her eggs and none seem to be hatching. I can only glance though. She seems adamant about still sitting on them though. How likely is it that more will hatch with the time lapse of already a day or two?
Okay... I will have to get out there at some point today and see what I can do. I would much rather have mamma do her job! Hand raising ducklings in the house is so much work! I cherish the experience with my other two... But I would love to see Hazel mothering this little one. One more question... I'm guessing this one to be one maybe two days old. I checked this morning on Hazel and her eggs and none seem to be hatching. I can only glance though. She seems adamant about still sitting on them though. How likely is it that more will hatch with the time lapse of already a day or two?
I'd get her off the nest long enough to check the eggs out even candle some because if none are going to hatch she needs be be up taking care of this lil one if you put it back with her.
Hello Miss Lydia! I forgot to say hi earlier... I just have duckling on the brain! Lol
I could give candling a try. Never done it before and would have no clue what to look for. I guess I will do a crash course before I go out there. We will hopefully be putting up a fence to seperate Henry from momma today too. Also baby proofing the pen. Hopefully all goes well and momma takes the little one in.

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