Pekin Duck Club!

We had our ducklings in a stock tank for a while, when they out grew it we moved them to the garage (it was still too cold to put them outside) so we built them a coop and laid down some artificial grass carpet and enclosed the whole thing with chicken wire. They took to their coop right away and the artificial grass was easy to hose off when it got messy.

The crazy gang have their own run which is covered with netting and still crowd into the same coop every night. Hubby has them nicely trained he shouts "ducks go to bed" and first princess waddles up the ramp followed by the others and lastly Frankie-blue-eyes.
We need some pics of your crew.
More duck love this morning....I believe in my heart that every man, woman, and child...should hand feed a group of hungry ducks at least once in their lifetime. Lol! Well, 1. Ducks are always hungry and willing to try whatever treat you've got. But that frantic nibbling on your hand and fingers is just the funniest and coolest thing ever. Last evening during their roaming time, I gave them a handful of shredded cheese, and then a small bag of frozen blueberries. I'm in Florida, yesterday was in the 90's....I keep veggies and fruits in the freezer. They are "duckie popsicles" and the ducks go CRAZY for them.

I went home last night super excited to try and figure out from quack sounds who might be a girl and who might be a boy...Sounds like two boys, two girls, and two are still hanging on tightly to their babyhood and peeping...hahaha!!!

Don't get me wrong...I LOVE my chickens too...they are ALL sweet and let you hold them, except for two Red rangers (?) that are super super fast. If you can catch one you can hold it!!
The others will fall asleep in my lap, sit up on my shoulder, etc. But, as you might can tell by now, my Quackers are my absolute favorites. They bring me so much joy.

When we let them out of the coop, they'll all stand at the edge...looking out for a moment....then one duck will take off running and five more RACE along behind the leader and their big ole' webbed feet make the most hilarious noise when they all stampede past. DUCK STAMPEDE!!! I just can't take it...the cuteness....
I've got to get some more photos and videos up today. I KNOW you all know what I'm talking about....but maybe your ducks are all grown up now, or maybe yours are younger and haven't started being quacky crazy still enjoyable to see!! :)

Also, a word of warning to those who have small children also playing outside....Ducks will try to eat ANYTHING. One day I found them all fighting over a Nerf dart. One day they got hold of a lego and passed that around trying to eat it. I do NOT want to lose a duck or pay an outrageous vet bill, so now we just have to have a PICK UP YOUR DANG TOYSSSS rule. The kids love the critters so much, they will do that in order to keep them safe.

Had a donkey eat a Nerf dart too. What IS it about those dang things???

xoxoxo I hope you all have an AWESOME day!!! :) :) :)
More duck love this morning....I believe in my heart that every man, woman, and child...should hand feed a group of hungry ducks at least once in their lifetime. Lol! Well, 1. Ducks are always hungry and willing to try whatever treat you've got. But that frantic nibbling on your hand and fingers is just the funniest and coolest thing ever. Last evening during their roaming time, I gave them a handful of shredded cheese, and then a small bag of frozen blueberries. I'm in Florida, yesterday was in the 90's....I keep veggies and fruits in the freezer. They are "duckie popsicles" and the ducks go CRAZY for them.

I went home last night super excited to try and figure out from quack sounds who might be a girl and who might be a boy...Sounds like two boys, two girls, and two are still hanging on tightly to their babyhood and peeping...hahaha!!!

Don't get me wrong...I LOVE my chickens too...they are ALL sweet and let you hold them, except for two Red rangers (?) that are super super fast. If you can catch one you can hold it!!
The others will fall asleep in my lap, sit up on my shoulder, etc. But, as you might can tell by now, my Quackers are my absolute favorites. They bring me so much joy.

When we let them out of the coop, they'll all stand at the edge...looking out for a moment....then one duck will take off running and five more RACE along behind the leader and their big ole' webbed feet make the most hilarious noise when they all stampede past. DUCK STAMPEDE!!! I just can't take it...the cuteness....
I've got to get some more photos and videos up today. I KNOW you all know what I'm talking about....but maybe your ducks are all grown up now, or maybe yours are younger and haven't started being quacky crazy still enjoyable to see!! :)

Also, a word of warning to those who have small children also playing outside....Ducks will try to eat ANYTHING. One day I found them all fighting over a Nerf dart. One day they got hold of a lego and passed that around trying to eat it. I do NOT want to lose a duck or pay an outrageous vet bill, so now we just have to have a PICK UP YOUR DANG TOYSSSS rule. The kids love the critters so much, they will do that in order to keep them safe.
out those

Had a donkey eat a Nerf dart too. What IS it ab dang things???

xoxoxo I hope you all have an AWESOME day!!! :) :) :)
Their chewable.

Look forward to pics and videos.
About 10 weeks. I been thinking was a girl from quack, but then little raised up feather on tail popped up. It just started to not be totally flat on tail the last day or 2.
Yes and louder than any other ducks I have the same age... Different breeds but definitely the talkative which is why I am thinking girl
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