Pekin Duck Club!

Hey guys ! Chatty is determined to go broody I think! Can anyone tell me how many is their max? She is trying to hide 20 of them and a chicken egg lol.
Hey guys ! Chatty is determined to go broody I think! Can anyone tell me how many is their max? She is trying to hide 20 of them and a chicken egg lol.
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What do you mean max? eggs to hatch? I think all viable eggs will hatch, you may get some that are too old or others that don't develop. My WH sat on 18 eggs this spring and hatched 8. Only 2 of the eggs were quitters the rest were either not fertilized or too old/past their prime and never developed. Good luck with her!!!! :fl:fl
I have 2 Pekin ducks and one of them had what looked like a crack on the round part on the tip of the bill. Now it looks like it may be "dying". Here is a pic. Can anyone give some advice on what to do. This is our first time having ducks. Thanks in advance!
Since I don't have an answer for you, I'm reposting this so hopefully someone will respond.
I have two 6 week old Pekin ducks. They just today are panting and seam warm to me. I've just let them outside during the day and they come in at night..I'm freaking out ..I don't know what to do for them. I'm feeling something is wrong
I'm new to owning ducks. I have 2 Peking ducks not sure on sex. How do you tell? My problem is the they quit walking today one of them seems to move a little bit but the other isn't moving at all. They were both moving around yesterday and seemed completely healthy today not so much. They are with chickens if that makes a difference. My wife and I put the9m I the pool earlier and they swam fine but won't walk. Any suggestions. I have been feeding them regular crumble grower and they are only 2 and a half months old.
I have two 6 week old Pekin ducks. They just today are panting and seam warm to me. I've just let them outside during the day and they come in at night..I'm freaking out ..I don't know what to do for them. I'm feeling something is wrong

Mine do that on occasion and they are usually just hot or stressed. when they are not fully feathered they have a harder time regulating their body temp

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