Pekin duck - Egg yolk peritonitis


May 15, 2022
Hello. I have a 2yo Pekin that has had a distended belly for a few months. She acts completely normal, except she hasn't laid an egg in months.... and the last few she did were soft shelled or super small...

Anyway, I thought she had water belly so about a month ago I took her to the vet. He took a small sample (it was greenish-grey), and we sent for culture and fluid analysis - and it came back as egg yolk peritonitis.

She's a pet duck so I want to giver her her best chance. She's STILL acting completely normal, even though the extended belly has been there for months.

The vet's prognosis was really grim, so just to try and give her the best shot, we started antibiotics and Meloxicam. I've given her the Meloxicam on and off, but she's been on antibiotics since then (about a month). She's still not showing symptoms other than the belly.

We couldn't afford to drain her at the vet -plus he said it wouldn't fix it anyway.... but they also said there's a remote chance she may reabsorb. So I wanted to try something.

We have drained two 60ml syringes of the grey liquid twice (a couple of days apart). Her belly is still big like a water balloon but she's still perky.

Today, we ran out of the antibiotics the vet prescribed and he won't do anymore unless he sees her. I dont have another $300 dollars for that. However, I do have a bottle of 10% Baytril.

I'm thinking I'll start her on the Baytril in a day or two, and will try to drain some more.

Has anyone been successful with a similar situation? Would Baytril help her eliminate the infection/ reabsorb the liquid??

Has anyone had success with draining for egg yolk peritonitis ??

Pic Is from one the of syringes for reference on the color of the liquid drained.


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I’m more familiar with chickens, but I will tag @Miss Lydia for advice. Canyou tell us what antibiotic the vet had prescribed before? Baytril or enrofloxacin 10% is very good, and is commonly used for treatment of egg yolk peritonitis in hens. Dosage is 0.05 ml per pound of weight given twice daily 12 hours apart for 5 days. One would need a 1 ml syringe to calculate the right dose. How much does she weigh?
I’m really sorry about your duck. That sounds rough. I don’t know much about ducks, but lots of other people on this site do, so… maybe? I can tag some people, and I wish you the best of luck.
@nuthatched, @Eggcessive, @BarnyardChaos
I wish I could help, but I'm not experienced at all with this condition, and especially not familiar with ducks. I'm sorry, and I hope she gets better.
I’m more familiar with chickens, but I will tag @Miss Lydia for advice. Canyou tell us what antibiotic the vet had prescribed before? Baytril or enrofloxacin 10% is very good, and is commonly used for treatment of egg yolk peritonitis in hens. Dosage is 0.05 ml per pound of weight given twice daily 12 hours apart for 5 days. One would need a 1 ml syringe to calculate the right dose. How much does she weigh?
Thanks to everyone so far! ❤️

This is the pic of the antibiotics she was having. She had 3 courses in a row and ran out a couple of days ago.

We do have Baytril and I'm probably going to try draining her some more tomorrow and start the Baytril. Will probably restart the Meloxicam on a couple of days too. She's still doing okay but still had a bunch of fluid in her.

If anyone else has suggestions, I'm all ears! 💕


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UPDATE: I drained another 120ml today (see pic). It was less green-ish and more brown-ish, and slightly foamy.

Afterwards we weighed her at 11.1lbs.

One question:

I gave her 0.5ml of Baytril tonight in a syringe- I can't put it in her water because she gets fresh water from a hose automatically as she splashes.... she'd never get the dose.

I've found conflicting info about the Baytril 10 - some say twice a day but the bottle says 0.5ml (calculated) total per day.

Any input???

Hoping for the best....


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She's now been on Baytril about 5 days. Once a day.

She still looks swollen but I cannot seem to drain anything anymore!! I have tried twice and literally nothing in the syringe...

IDK what to think anymore! Her behavior is still pretty normal- in fact she's been quacking loud as she used to in the mornings...

HELP! Any input? Anyone seen this???

Today she turned 2.... ❤️
How is she now? I am having a similar issue with my Duck
She's still the same! Clinically well, although her belly is still super big. I have tried draining more but the last 3 times literally nothing came out. I've been giving her drops of oregano oil in her water.... and really have no idea what else to do!
Good luck with your duckie too
Thank you. I thought is was water belly at first but then as I started draining the liquid was dark brown so I stopped and started researching. I found your story and a couple of other that are similar and she is the exact same as yours. I have put her on Enrofloxacin and I am gonna be draining the liquid off of her. Anything to make her more comfortable!

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