Pen G question


Squeaky Wheel
11 Years
Feb 11, 2008
Waterloo, Nebraska
I have done a search for this already. My hen has a stubborn bumble foot. We have been soaking and wrapping, cutting out bumbles and soaking and wrapping some more. Every time we wrap it we put tons of neosporin on it. There was some improvement, but it seems to be relapsing. I 've been able to find any of that Koi fish medicine locally so I bought some Penicillin G procaine (injectable with 300,000 units of procaine penicillin per mL). My search has shown me that it is normally injected into the breast, however, one poster said that the dose could be increased and injected under the skin on the back of the neck. Is that OK? I would really rather inject it under the skin, rather than into the muscle. I know it sounds stupid, but thought of injecting it into the breast really puts me off. I can remove the plug from the bottom of her foot and squeeze junk out. I can cut the huge swollen knot on the top of her foot with a razor blade and remove hardened pussy masses. I can vaccinate my own chicks. I can vaccinate my horses. Heck, I've given myself shots. But I can't stand the thought of sticking that needle into Cher's chest!
If the pen-g doesn't work, I will order the fish medicine online.
I have had issues with Bumblefoot in the past year. I had 2 girls that my husband bought from a man that didn't take good care of his girls. He kept them cooped up into a barn with no grass and no sunlight. Anyways, I kinda freaked out the first time i saw it. I was very nervous about performimg my 1st surgery on such a small creature. Anyways I have been able to completely cure one of the girls. I just noticed that the other one has a small bumble on the top of the foot again. Gosh!

Bumblefoot is a Staph infection so I am not exactly sure if PenVk will actually work. And I totally agree about the injecting in the breast of the chickens. I tried to do it once and it totally creeped me out. It doesn't seem natural to me to do. So I won't be doing it again.

I just read online last week about the Tricide -Neo powder for fish. I found it online and haven't been able to locate it locally either. I kinda hope it works as some have said. It would make Bumblefoot easier to treat.
Someone who is very experienced told me it could be injected into the pad, but trust me, that isn't easy. It's made to inject in the breast muscle, though, not the skin. I never give AB for bumblefoot anymore. Getting the crud out and using saline flushes and antibiotic ointment and bandaging works just as well. I've used even stronger AB than pen and without appreciable effect for bumblefoot.
Darn. I'm getting desperate. She doesn't even limp, but it looks awfel and feels warm. I just ordered some of that tricide neo fish medicine online. I'll try cleaning it out again. The pad is totally healed, but she has bulges between the toes on top. I've treated bumblefoot before in other birds, but none this stubborn.

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