Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I know i asked this before but I forget....wen mixing fermented feed I am using a scoop that also weighs the ingredients,,I am using 3 lb of mash at 16% and then adding 1 pd of cracked corn and 1 lb of barley,,,,how would I know what the finished protein is ??  will also be adding wheat later in the year, how do i keep track so i can adjust if needed.

Doesn't fermenting it increase the protein?
Cracked corn is about 7.5%, Barley is about 9%

you have 3 parts mash, 1 part corn and 1 part barley
so since 5 parts you are working with 20% increments (100/5)

So you have 60% of your mix at 16%, 40% is at 8.25% protein (Since your corn and barley are = amounts I just averaged their protein counts together to simplify the process into 2 parts)

I think that comes out around 12.9% for the mix

It has been 28 yrs or so since algebra, so may be wrong... but (60 x 0.16)+ (40 x 0.0825) = 12.9

OK folks... check my math but be gentle! LOL
Doesn't fermenting it increase the protein?
I don't think it increases the protein of the food, but it does improve the efficiency of the absorbtion rate of the gut... so if you ate 15% protein product of regular feed you may be absorbing 12% protein... if you ate the same 15% protein feed in fermented form, you probably can absorb a rate of 14+% protein

At least that is how I have understood it's benefit to work
I know i asked this before but I forget....wen mixing fermented feed I am using a scoop that also weighs the ingredients,,I am using 3 lb of mash at 16% and then adding 1 pd of cracked corn and 1 lb of barley,,,,how would I know what the finished protein is ?? will also be adding wheat later in the year, how do i keep track so i can adjust if needed.

(3 x .16) + (1 x .035 or whatever the protein content of corn is) + (1 x .11 guesstimated protein content of barley) = 5/x x will be the percentage of protein in the new recipe. You'll need to add fish meal or soy to keep the protein levels up.
Cracked corn is about 7.5%, Barley is about 9%

you have 3 parts mash, 1 part corn and 1 part barley
so since 5 parts you are working with 20% increments (100/5)

So you have 60% of your mix at 16%, 40% is at 8.25% protein (Since your corn and barley are = amounts I just averaged their protein counts together to simplify the process into 2 parts)

I think that comes out around 12.9% for the mix

It has been 28 yrs or so since algebra, so may be wrong... but (60 x 0.16)+ (40 x 0.0825) = 12.9

OK folks... check my math but be gentle! LOL

We were writing at the same time. Your way looks right. The protein percentage #'s I used were random, since I am at work & my handy dandy circa 1946 Feeds and Feeding book is at home.

If only they made algebra more practical when they were teaching it back in the dark ages, it would have been more interesting to remember.
Well, so far Gracie has 6 out of 7 hatched, though #6 just got free of the shell and isn't up and out yet... so still wait and see on it. Last egg isn't pipped and I'll check on it later to see if I can see a defined air cell or not. Pidgy has 2 hatched... and it looks like a few are pipping. I didn't want to disturb her too much, since this is her first time that we know of for being broody. Mindy is certainly happy... can't get her out of the coop, she's too busy being on baby watch! LOL Mindy laying between Pidgy's box and Gracie's... she takes turns staring but Gracie's is getting more time, since her chicks are starting to move around in the nest. Pidgy claimed a top box in what is now the meatie pen, so we gave her a fenced 'veranda' until the babies are a day or two old, then we will move her to the broody area on the floor.
So sweet!
Welcome! Bleh...knew when I went to bed I had a headache...but didn't take anything. When DH woke me to kiss me goodbye I got up and took Ibuprofen....not even touched it yet....debating going and getting Coke and Chocolate.
Ibuprophren on an empty stomach = no bueno. Tylenol w/coffee to start a headache for me...uh, sometimes.
Yep, if all of the eggs hatch out under Gracie and Pidgy we are going to have a bunch! And now we have another hen that went broody! :barnie I will probably end up with a few Silver Pencil Rocks that I need to sell... won't know for a while though. The breeder would like first dibs on a couple of them at least since they are from his show birds and he is always looking for good breeders to keep his pens going good. We have some teenage Black Giants/Jersey Giants that I should rehome if anyone would be interested. They are almost 9 wks old.
Wasn't someone just looking for Jersey Giants on here? Wish I could remember who.
I am in Reading Pa but moving in a few weeks to Pine Grove Pa (Schuykill County). I raise Quail and Serama chickens. With our move, we will be on 9 acres of land and we are looking for more to add to the collection. IF POSSIBLE, I would GREATLY appreciate some pay it forwards so we can get started more and when the customers buy, I can either pay for what was sent OR hand off a deal to someone else that may need it. We would like some (Eggs will do) Ducks, Turkeys, Dual purpose chickens, Goat and whatever else. NO Horses or Cow for PLEASE let me know if you can help us out! Thanks for looking!
I have 2 goats due to kid early July, they are registered Nigerian Dwarfs. Are you looking for wethers, bucks, or doelings?
I have 2 goats due to kid early July, they are registered Nigerian Dwarfs. Are you looking for wethers, bucks, or doelings?
We need something to produce milk and reproduction ;) NO Wethers please ;) We can work with kids. Gives them time to grow accustomed to us
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Seeing everyone's chicken pictures makes me so excited to get my own!
Are there any pages that anyone can give me that tell me how to tell gender at about 8 weeks of age?
Oh and have you guys heard about the cicadas? The 17-year Brood 2 is set to come out in PA within the next few weeks... meaning MILLIONS of these bugs. Chicken treats? What do you guys think? The birds I had two years ago would eat just about anything.
Welcome to the site! I don't know of any pages that can tell you how to sex chicks at a particular age... usually sexing ages is different based on breeds. Some breeds have early indicators such as a color pattern or feather development but many (especially barnyard mixes) tend to rely more on feather growth around the neck or low back (roos get long, pointy feathers in these areas) and wattle/comb development. Unfortunately these signs are often vague until near puberty stage, so again, some birds mature faster than others. If you know the breed you have you can do a search in the box above for 'sexing a ??? chick' and you will probably find a few threads with similar questions on your breed which can help.
There is also a section under the forum menu above... under chicken breeds... called 'what breed or sex is this chick' You could post pics there for other board members to offer assistance.
Usually I wait till they crow or lay an egg! LOL
I'm hoping our birds like the Cicadas! I hate the danged things, so the more they eat the happier I'll be! If they like them I will try freezing some for later as an experiment.
I am in Reading Pa but moving in a few weeks to Pine Grove Pa (Schuykill County).

I raise Quail and Serama chickens. With our move, we will be on 9 acres of land and we are looking for more to add to the collection. IF POSSIBLE, I would GREATLY appreciate some pay it forwards so we can get started more and when the customers buy, I can either pay for what was sent OR hand off a deal to someone else that may need it.
We would like some (Eggs will do) Ducks, Turkeys, Dual purpose chickens, Goat and whatever else. NO Horses or Cow for

PLEASE let me know if you can help us out!
Thanks for looking!
Hi RR! are you the guy on the PA FB page?
I am north berks, I will be one of the ones close to you along with Heather, Chad, Ed, Ray and hmmmmm a lot of newbies to the thread I need to look at the map!
Well, so far Gracie has 6 out of 7 hatched, though #6 just got free of the shell and isn't up and out yet... so still wait and see on it. Last egg isn't pipped and I'll check on it later to see if I can see a defined air cell or not.
Pidgy has 2 hatched... and it looks like a few are pipping. I didn't want to disturb her too much, since this is her first time that we know of for being broody.
Mindy is certainly happy... can't get her out of the coop, she's too busy being on baby watch! LOL

Mindy laying between Pidgy's box and Gracie's... she takes turns staring but Gracie's is getting more time, since her chicks are starting to move around in the nest. Pidgy claimed a top box in what is now the meatie pen, so we gave her a fenced 'veranda' until the babies are a day or two old, then we will move her to the broody area on the floor.

GO Gracie Go!! Go Pidgy Go!

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