Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

:confused: where in the heck is everyone????...well, ok...night all, have a good one! Night
Out hiking Pole Steeple my butt hurts! It's basically straight up a rock hill....beautiful view though. Of course got to come home and climb the fence to put the ducklings away...can't wait till they figure out how to go UP the ramp!
Wal Mart has blank signs with small metal posts in the package. The sign just says, "fresh eggs" in the sticker letters. I think they are 4 inches tall. I charge $2/dozen, but I give eggs away to most first time customers only wanting one dozen. And the other day I gave the first woman (another came soon after I was bought out) 3 dozen for $5. I don't put the price on the sign because my cost has already changed once due to feed costs going up. Sit on your hands!!! And good luck! Is it your first hatch? Have you read up on assisted hatches (Sally's signature)? Crazy, isn't it? Yesterday I was too warm. Today I had to turn the heat on again!
Oooh..I hate Wally...but will have to look for the sign, was just thinking I need one.
Quote: Agree 100%, I would also do what others have said, get it in writing and request antibiotics. I'm not a pill pusher and I hate medication for anything but Lyme is one of those things you don't mess around with. There are two antibodies they check for one is short term exposure (exposed 0-3 months prior, I'm 90% sure may be 0-6 mo) and one is long term (3 months or longer since exposure). I had the short term pop a false positive in the dead of winter, years after my last tick bite, and while on Doxy and Bactrim for 6 months to try eliminating MRSA (it worked thankfully). According to the rhuem doc I saw it will do that for fibromyalgia, and some autoimmune disorders. Infectious disease doc said that you need to watch for the rash (which usually, but doesn't always, appear), unexplained joint pain and other symptoms to be sure that there isn't an infection. Gavin's had blood work done once and will be again soon as he now has joint pain in multiple joints, his last bite was last year and another cat has tested positive this week.
Quote: I turned my heater back on, I really wish my fiance was home. He was my "heater" last spring on nights like this. Get yer minds outta the gutter, he's just always hot...I think I just dug myself deeper

where in the heck is everyone????...well, ok...night all, have a good one! Night
I was spending time with my sister, and we were actually getting along. I gotta mark this night on the calendar for the next time our parents ask if we "can ever get along."
Thanks for sharing
I emailed the contact as soon as I saw this, I actually had sent her (?) one a few weeks ago to check about the class. So if you wanna carpool that works for me.

I need go through the formalities, but yes, carpooling is always a good thing!

I just hatched out 17 ducklings and I am getting some very weird colors now! Black, blue, pied... Rouen eye stripes, one looks Khaki... All from my blues, blue pied and Pekins! Also hatched 5 bantam choc Orps, 3 LF choc/choc split Orps, a few MF b.Cochins and many blue/black and a mottled b.Cochin. My first gosling is pipped, too! It's on the wrong end, half shrink wrapped and hasn't absorbed everything. I put a damp paper towel over it and I am now waiting to see if it needs help.

While I am on here... Anyone have turken hatching eggs?
I personally think they are ugly, but I know a guy looking for turkens.
Agree 100%, I would also do what others have said, get it in writing and request antibiotics. I'm not a pill pusher and I hate medication for anything but Lyme is one of those things you don't mess around with. There are two antibodies they check for one is short term exposure (exposed 0-3 months prior, I'm 90% sure may be 0-6 mo) and one is long term (3 months or longer since exposure). I had the short term pop a false positive in the dead of winter, years after my last tick bite, and while on Doxy and Bactrim for 6 months to try eliminating MRSA (it worked thankfully). According to the rhuem doc I saw it will do that for fibromyalgia, and some autoimmune disorders. Infectious disease doc said that you need to watch for the rash (which usually, but doesn't always, appear), unexplained joint pain and other symptoms to be sure that there isn't an infection. Gavin's had blood work done once and will be again soon as he now has joint pain in multiple joints, his last bite was last year and another cat has tested positive this week. I turned my heater back on, I really wish my fiance was home. He was my "heater" last spring on nights like this. Get yer minds outta the gutter, he's just always hot...I think I just dug myself deeper
I was spending time with my sister, and we were actually getting along. I gotta mark this night on the calendar for the next time our parents ask if we "can ever get along."
Nah, my hubby is the same way. Night before last, I walked into the bedroom an hour after he went to bed....and had to turn on the fan, he'd jacked up the temp so high. He'd completely wrapped himself in the sheet, and accomplished sweating through it!
wondering what DH has in mind or what he did....he went to the distributor this morning and brought back a case of seagram's and a case of frozen seagram;s mixes for me....I very seldom pick up either one simply because i hate to pay the price.....

silkie i will be in touch with you this weekend for quail eggs

does anyone else have quail eggs available local before i go ordering them...need both cot and bobwhite variety..
wondering what DH has in mind or what he did....he went to the distributor this morning and brought back a case of seagram's and a case of frozen seagram;s mixes for me....I very seldom pick up either one simply because i hate to pay the price.....

Sometimes the mood just strikes! LOL.... last weekend I went to the beer distributor up at camp while Radioman was messing with boat electronics. Came back with the case of beer he requested, a case of beer I know is a favorite of his that he usually won't buy for himself because it cost more... and a case of Seagrams (variety pack) for myself and company. I will get a case of the frozen on the next trip...

He had the same reaction you did!
Is everyone getting their chicken chores done today? We got our main coop cleaned out, sprayed with Sevin, treated every last chook with Ivermectin and I'm making some progress on the milk stand for the goats. Time for a shower and a glass of wine, then back out there and work on that run I started in November. ARRRRGH! At least it's not hot.
Def getting work done today, on my own mind you. Hubby is in Ohio working so he manages to escape mowing the very uneven acre we have & PIA sand mound & I have to back fill the hole that was dug to check the septic pipe ... Ughhhh

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