Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

You want young pullets, near point-of-lay, if you ask for "adult hens" you might get some that are 2 or 3 years old and not laying well any more. There are a lot of deals out there that really are "too good to be true", including chickens. Just be aware that not every seller is trustworthy. That said, older chickens for sale are pretty scarce, especially this time of year. Sometimes you can find some if you lurk in the BST (buy-sell-trade) forums here, or on Craigslist. Personally, I won't allow birds older than a few days into our flock. Too much risk of bringing in a disease.

IMO, this is a perfect time to get chicks and raise them to lay next spring. They feather quickly and can be moved outside in a few weeks, where they adjust to the cooler weather gradually as the seasons change. With no need for supplemental light, they should start laying around March.

Of course, I might be making that case because I'm overrun with surplus chicks right now . . .

we have 9 Rhode Island Red hens that are about 6 weeks right now. we just incorporated them in with our 5 month old silkie roosters.

I also heard from my dad that you need to rotate your flock every 6 months, now he has never had chickens so I don't know about that, lol.
"better the devil you know" seems to be the reason they leave me alone, who knows what I might pick up next if I get tired of poultry . . .

I wonder if chipmunks make good pets?
I hear they are pretty cheeky.
we have 9 Rhode Island Red hens that are about 6 weeks right now. we just incorporated them in with our 5 month old silkie roosters.

I also heard from my dad that you need to rotate your flock every 6 months, now he has never had chickens so I don't know about that, lol.
Commercially, they expect pullets to start laying at about 17 weeks. They lay very well for the first year or so, then production goes down as they start to molt. That is the point when commercial operations cull them (Chicken noodle soup, anyone?) and replace them with 17 week old pullets to keep the production going.

Very few backyard chicken keepers do that, we tend to prefer "heritage" breeds that have a greatly extended laying period (years). It's a different philosophy of keeping chickens, they are often as much pets as egg producers. I tell people buying chicks from me to not expect eggs for 6 months, sometimes more, but they will lay well for several years, and adequately for even more years. It's a slower, calmer life for our birds. Watching chickens be happy and do natural things, like dust bathing, eating bugs and greens, and even going broody and raising their own chicks, is something backyard keepers get that never happens in the commercial flocks.

So, no need to rotate your flock on any schedule. You will get attached to some of them and will probably keep them as pets long past their "useful" life.
Yup, I have my room down there. It even has a sign my niece made that says "Dennis's Fish Room" (left from my previous "over the top" hobby). Everyone that knows me fears what might be behind that door.

"better the devil you know" seems to be the reason they leave me alone, who knows what I might pick up next if I get tired of poultry . . .

I wonder if chipmunks make good pets?
Hey everyone! Where in PA can you see about getting adult hens? My family wanted to expand our flock and not sure where to look, thanks!

Welcome! What area of PA are you located?

I'm going to build a larger incubator during the "off season" and see if I can hatch more chicks next year.  :oops:

Seriously. Don't tell my relatives, though, they might stage an intervention. Good thing that as long as I work quietly in my basement, they tend to leave me alone . . .

Haha! It's okay, we understand!

You want young pullets, near point-of-lay, if you ask for "adult hens" you might get some that are 2 or 3 years old and not laying well any more. There are a lot of deals out there that really are "too good to be true", including chickens. Just be aware that not every seller is trustworthy. That said, older chickens for sale are pretty scarce, especially this time of year. Sometimes you can find some if you lurk in the BST (buy-sell-trade) forums here, or on Craigslist. Personally, I won't allow birds older than a few days into our flock. Too much risk of bringing in a disease.

IMO, this is a perfect time to get chicks and raise them to lay next spring. They feather quickly and can be moved outside in a few weeks, where they adjust to the cooler weather gradually as the seasons change. With no need for supplemental light, they should start laying around March.

Of course, I might be making that case because I'm overrun with surplus chicks right now . . .

Haha, spoken like a true enabler....

So I heard the strangest thing from my vet yesterday. She is an Avian/Exotic vet and she told me she has chickens. (After I asked if she ever sees them to treat them). She said. "I just can't spay my own birds." What!? She explained that chickens have been bred to lay a lot for the first few years (duh!), and then they tend to get all kinds of ovarian problems and such and die early. She said if they are spayed they could live closer to 20 years. I love my girls but... There is a limit. I guess if you have a hammer, everything is nail! :lol:
Welcome! What area of PA are you located?
Haha! It's okay, we understand!
Haha, spoken like a true enabler....

So I heard the strangest thing from my vet yesterday. She is an Avian/Exotic vet and she told me she has chickens. (After I asked if she ever sees them to treat them). She said. "I just can't spay my own birds." What!? She explained that chickens have been bred to lay a lot for the first few years (duh!), and then they tend to get all kinds of ovarian problems and such and die early. She said if they are spayed they could live closer to 20 years. I love my girls but... There is a limit. I guess if you have a hammer, everything is nail!
I'm from Schuylkill County, PA :)
traveling next weekend ...sept 25th... chicken train will run from lancaster to milroy.....

I will be at the cabin in new lancaster valley,,,anyone close by is welcome to swing on in and spend some time by the campfire...
Hey there wingstone !

Been looking for you....we have barred rocks and silver pencil rocks ready to go if you are still interested in them....

I sent you a pm a while back but it may have been lost in the shuffle.
I just wanted to share the new toppers i made for my kitchen windows :) I need more fabric to finish the other window though. Just wish my camera was a little better so i could get a nicer pic.




And no post is compete without a picture of Cookie and her babies :)


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