Penny Marshall my 1 year old Wyandotte Hen having issues... again..

Signs of gout are dehydration, pale combs, depression and swelling and reddening of the feet which impair bird movement. Are you seeing any of this??
By the way - sometimes there is not visible swelling and redness.
no- her only symptom from her bloodwork, fecal test, appearance and vet exam is not being able to walk or stand as much as she should- everything else is normal.
Hi all!

Just wanted to let you know that Penny and I continue to do the Valtrex therapy. She is at day 7 of 10 of her treatment. She is doing well and has moments of clarity when she walks completely normal... of course I can't get that on video. Then she goes back to her Frankenstein walk... I can't say I'm convinced it's mareks but I have promised to do the 10 days and will go from there. She is slightly better and continues to be a joy to be around, I just love her company ❤️ Here are some pics of her this week. I will continue to keep you all posted, let me know your thoughts on this update.


Sweet Penny Marshall!
I love seeing her. She's hanging in there and doing her thing the best she can.

Every time I see her name, I have to...😂

I'm gonna sing that to her today lol! My husband and I really enjoy the naming process, having chickens is a joy and telling people their names is even better. The vet's office cracks up every time they hear her name!

She really is hanging in there and doing her part
I am happy to report that Penny is making some really nice slow and steady progress!

Today's activity included:

Standing while eating at the feeder
Dust bathing (she hasn't done this in months) and walking a lot more with a more normal gait.

She is on day 8 of Valtrex and I just gave her dose 9/10.

She is getting that orally with nutridrench mixed in

She is still doing the half pill b complex therapy with a little sardine.

Her appetite is up and so is her drinking. She is much more autonomous living in her separate coop.

Enjoy this video of her! Look around 40 seconds as a gust of wind gives Penny the confidence to walk!

Pics of Penny Marshall and I ❤️


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