Peony plant

Ella Rollins

Aug 4, 2016
Hello all,
I was searching for some healthy herbs to feed my chickens and that's when I came across this article It looked good but my friend told me that it's one of the toxic plant that chickens should not eat. So I was just searching to know weather it's relevant or not. I happened to read this It has a list of harmless and toxic plants. As my friend said, peony plant is placed in the toxic plant list. So I just want to suggest you that peony plant seems to be toxic and it will be better not to plant it in the reach of chickens or any other pet. Thank you.
Peonies are one of the plants my free-range birds do not seem to eat. They still will damage plants by intensive scratching around the base so I work to exclude birds from the plant.
Thank you for the information Centrarchid. I didn't know that chickens don't eat them. But anyway they seem to be toxic and in order to prevent other animals or pets from consuming them, I think it'll be better to plant them in a container and hand them in our home.
I just read and of course I have a piony plant and my chickens are eating the leaves! What signs should I look for since they ate the leaves? I now will make sure they can’t get to it. Building a fence around it. 🤦🏻‍♀️
I have a peony and my chickens just ignore it - and the foxgloves, bluebells, deadly nightshade and assorted other plants. They will sample more or less anything and everything and drop or avoid anything that tastes bad to them or upsets their digestion. It's a system that evolved over millions of years and it works.

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