performed eggtopcy first time need help knowing what went wrong..


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 23, 2010
so i had pheasant eggs due today but ive screwed up a few times on them a guy i talked too helped me (hopefully) fix my prolbems though cuzzi caught it early but there are 36 eggs in there and i had no activity so i took one egg to see if the chicks at all are gonna make it and i found a chick fully formed except what appeared to be his stomach was not where it should be it was down by his anus is this something that is suppose to be there or was the chick not formed yet completely and just let them go just expect a late hatch?
The yolk sac would be attached to the chick at the navel, the chick absorbs the sac in the last few days before hatching, the navel then heals. This may be what you saw. Does that sound right?
is it a fairly good size sac compared to the chick?? colud it be located bellow its feet in the egg it definatley was attached to the bird. and the chicks are due today but will just more time in the incubator allow it to draw this in and be okay??
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It is VERY difficult to understand your problem when you dont use the right punctuation or any capital letters.

I think your seeing the unabsorbed egg yolk, it does belong on the lower half of the body, it will kinda hang between the legs. Give the eggs a few more days in the incubator.

Hope this helped.
thank you. i googled undeveloped eggs and found what i was looking for looks like there just going to be a late hatch. but thanks everyone.
i now know that the eggs are still absorbing the yolk sacs does anyone know how late these eggs will possibly be??

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