Permethrin for mites/lice infestation

Yes, use the permerthrine, do not use diotomataetous earth, it's a respiratory irritant and causes serious respiratory issues in you and your birds.
What is the brand of the spray?
How big was the big and what did it look like?
Hey so I've seen this in a few replies to this issue about lice. I've used diatomaceous earth with my flock for years and have had no issue with either lice or respiratory issues during that time. I have 10 in my flock (9 hens, 1 roster). They have a large and spacious outdoor run and all of them roost at night in a medium EZ Coop. I live in Texas and so I have a small fan (it's actually a small computer part) inside the coop that runs all the time (except during a freeze) and I keep the coop window open always. I use hay and diatomaceous earth in the coop.

Knock on wood, no lice and no respiratory problems.
Hey so I've seen this in a few replies to this issue about lice. I've used diatomaceous earth with my flock for years and have had no issue with either lice or respiratory issues during that time. I have 10 in my flock (9 hens, 1 roster). They have a large and spacious outdoor run and all of them roost at night in a medium EZ Coop. I live in Texas and so I have a small fan (it's actually a small computer part) inside the coop that runs all the time (except during a freeze) and I keep the coop window open always. I use hay and diatomaceous earth in the coop.

Knock on wood, no lice and no respiratory problems.
If you want to use, thats up to you, that's perfectly fine. It can be good at controlling pests in arid regions. It's a class 3 carcinogen, the distributers strongly recommends a mask and goggles when you use it, and chickens have a more delicate respiratory system than we do.
I've never used and I don't have lice either, it doesn't really prove anything.
My flock has the same thing going on. Tiny flecks of a brown bug. The bugs are also on me and biting/causing itching. We had an oak mite problem in the area a decade ago. And it seems the same. My first thought was DE so I put it in all the nesting boxes and where they will dust bathe in the yard. Now, idk what to do. I guess I look for the pyrethemin. (SEKS)
My flock has the same thing going on. Tiny flecks of a brown bug. The bugs are also on me and biting/causing itching. We had an oak mite problem in the area a decade ago. And it seems the same. My first thought was DE so I put it in all the nesting boxes and where they will dust bathe in the yard. Now, idk what to do. I guess I look for the pyrethemin. (SEKS)
Permethrin dust can be used in a sock, and each chicken is dusted. In warmer weather you can get permethrin horse spray, or dilute Permethrin 10 concentrate to spray around 1/2 ounce on each full size chicken. The spray is also used to spray the coop, roost bars, and nest boxes once every bit of old bedding is removed far away. Mites are lethal to chickens. Permethrin 10 is sold in feed stores under Martins or Gordons brand, and mixed with water according to the label (for poultry mites) in spray bottles or garden sprayers.

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