Pet Peeves

I had a bad car accident when I was 19 because of my car color. It was November so a time of year where everything was monochromatic. My car was that goldish gray earth tone color. It said gold on the title but did not look "gold" gold in person. A lady pulled up to a stop sign, looked both ways and pulled out right in front of me. There was no way to avoid her and I hit her, hard.
It wasn’t your car’s fault for being a color. She wasn’t paying attention.
Is there anyone that has any (pet) pet peeves, you know, the ones that you like to go back to time and again, kind of like an addiction of sorts?
Pet peeve...
Truck drivers that think they are the only ones that can decide how everyone should drive. This happens a lot on road under construction. Where they block all lanes and refuse to move. I have had to drive the shoulder to get around their blockades and have them swerve to try to stop me from passing them. Which I did when they stopped moving and had open road infront of them.
I agree there are some inconsiderate truck drivers out there, but what bugs me more honestly, is everyday folks who refuse to treat those big vehicles with respect. Dump trucks especially. When carrying a heavy load, they cannot stop quickly and if they hit you, theres a pretty solid chance that your vehicle isn't going to protect you. I've seen people zip in and out of traffic and pull out infront of them... just plain stupid.
Not long ago a dump truck ended up on its side on the hwy near our house. Some idiot pulled out infront of him and he nearly killed himself trying not to kill someone else.
Is there anyone that has any (pet) pet peeves, you know, the ones that you like to go back to time and again, kind of like an addiction of sorts?
Is there anyone that has any (pet) pet peeves, you know, the ones that you like to go back to time and again, kind of like an addiction of sorts?
One of the biggest pet peeves that I have is my dog only farts in the car when the windows are up.
It's uncanny.
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I agree there are some inconsiderate truck drivers out there, but what bugs me more honestly, is everyday folks who refuse to treat those big vehicles with respect. Dump trucks especially. When carrying a heavy load, they cannot stop quickly and if they hit you, there's a pretty solid chance that your vehicle isn't going to protect you. I've seen people zip in and out of traffic and pull out in front of them... just plain stupid.
Not long ago a dump truck ended up on its side on the hwy near our house. Some idiot pulled out in front of him and he nearly killed himself trying not to kill someone else.
The sensible person almost got killed to protect the insensible one. That dump truck driver should get a medal for life preservation.

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