Pet Peeves

I placed the dishes on his side of the bed after 4 days of him leaving them on the table. He bought me a dishwasher.
I would never do that. I sleep in that bed too. And I don't need ants in my house
10 years old and they couldn't do it ?
The 10 years old does it no problem. I was testing the husband
I wish I had the fortitude to attempt that tactic, but my (selective) OCD would have had me twitching and breaking out into hives long before the trip to the dollar store. I can't look at Mount Dishmore for more than 12hrs.
You would not handle my house.. even though it is just me and hubby.. dishes are known to sit for 3 days. We work all day long and do not have a dish washer. Though, when it gets to the point I have to wash a dish to make something.. that is when I know it is time to do dishes.
I would never do that. I sleep in that bed too. And I don't need ants in my house

The 10 years old does it no problem. I was testing the husband
Oh finding them sitting on his bed where he had to move them to lay down. They didn't stay there very long and he found the sink and washed them that night. I had already told him I was not washing his dishes if he couldn't be considerate enough to place them in the sink. We both had jobs outside of the house. I worked just as hard as him (if not harder).
I've tried that with dishes. How high can the sink fill before we run out of dishes to eat off of. He went to the dollar store and bought paper plates🤦🙄
I once built Trash-lantis out of paper plates and empty cans on my stove. Guess what? I won. Was it because I couldn't cook supper due to Trash-lantis being in my way? Yes. Was it worth it though? Also yes. 😎

Throw your own trash away or have crackers for supper.
My teen came home with an interesting factoid one day that researchers at Disney World found that if they placed a trash can every (25' don't quote me) people would walk over and throw away their trash. Any further and it would hit the ground.
One day we were in the kitchen and I reminded her of this. I asked if they said how far the spacing had to be in someone's home... as she stood next to the trash with her rubbish all around it. :confused:
My teen came home with an interesting factoid one day that researchers at Disney World found that if they placed a trash can every (25' don't quote me) people would walk over and throw away their trash. Any further and it would hit the ground.
One day we were in the kitchen and I reminded her of this. I asked if they said how far the spacing had to be in someone's home... as she stood next to the trash with her rubbish all around it. :confused:
All of my kids have had bagged trash end up in their bed at one point. One of the rotating chores is upstairs bathroom trash, it's supposed to be bagged up and brought down. Often it gets left in the hallway. I follow a simple 3 strikes rule. Strike 1, polite reminder. Strike 2, more forceful order. Strike 3, it's in your bed, along with all the other trash I happen to collect along the way (my office /studio space generates a lot of trash that needs to be taken out).

some of them learned the first time. Others, not as much.
You would not handle my house.. even though it is just me and hubby.. dishes are known to sit for 3 days. We work all day long and do not have a dish washer. Though, when it gets to the point I have to wash a dish to make something.. that is when I know it is time to do dishes.
Must smell good lol
I couldn't wait that long. My wife loads it after dinner and I unload it when I get home from work. Works good. She does the clothes cause she has her specific way of doing it. I'll wash my clothes if I need work clothes then make a load of it.

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