Pet Peeves

flip flop shower shoes in public like they are actual shoes. They are for beach and public showers. And it causes another peeve the sloppysliding foot scraping walk that comes with them. or the flop flop of them hitting the heels if they are gripped with the toes instead of slide walking. I"m sure there are otherrs I just canj't think of them until I"m peeved LOL
Eh, I think tolerance (or intolerance) for that may be location specific. Flip flops/slides are a staple footwear here on the desert year around. Everyone wears some kind always. Same in every coastal town I've ever been to, regardless of whether you're at the actual beach or not. I personally don't own any, but the girls in my house do (I prefer sandals instead).

On the flip side, good money to be made by mani/pedi places when you can see everyone's toes. They want them to look pretty (unless they have hobbit feet and don't really care)
flip flop shower shoes in public like they are actual shoes. They are for beach and public showers. And it causes another peeve the sloppysliding foot scraping walk that comes with them. or the flop flop of them hitting the heels if they are gripped with the toes instead of slide walking. I"m sure there are otherrs I just canj't think of them until I"m peeved LOL
I wear them and love them. I guess I can carry a bag of sand around ( my beach) if that would help you.:D

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