Pet Peeves

it just burns my biscuits.
Happy Dance Party GIF by Looney Tunes

That comment just reminded me of Sam.
Child factories in China or other countries make our clothes. It explains a lot. Like why I can buy two different pair of jeans, same size, same cut, just different shade, and they fit completely different
Don't buy things made in China. Slave labor is a real thing and I stopped buying "made in China" years ago. It requires a lot of extra effort and oftentimes paying more, but it's worth it.
Ok, so might sound weird, but hotness. I just cannot stand it. It is the most annoying thing on the planet. And it always happens at the worst times. Such as at 1am. And then you can’t fall asleep until 3am because of it.
You feel like the blanket is literally going to scorch you, but then after you shove said blanket as far away as possible, you're instantly cold. Try with only the sheet. Nope, too cold still. Put blanket back on, too hot again. Rinse. Repeat.

Happened to me last night from 1-4:00 a.m.
Ergo, vis-avis, concordantly.... tired as crap today.

P.S. Please, someone reward me with recognizing that bit of nonsense above ☝️

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