Pet Peeves

Don't just teach children to do laundry. If they're starting a wash because they want that shirt for tomorrow, then they can collect everyone's hampers and do a reasonable load that benefits everybody.
Same for cooking. By a certain age, everyone in the family is responsible for cooking one meal a week. Making popcorn - ask who else would like some.
A family is more than a group of individuals.
This is how I raised all my kids. Boy or Girl they learned all jobs around the house. They also learned maintance on a car. I started them as soon as I could get them to understand simple task. They all loved to show mom how they were big and as they grew up we had more time to be together as a family.
Ok, I am going to join in the complaining. :)These may have been mentioned already.

1) Tail gaiting. I would never experience road rage I do not think, but that puts me really, really close. You are driving the speed limit (usually 5 mph over because you can get away with that) but some fool wants to put you, themselves, as well as others life in danger to ride your bumper.

Yep. Makes me nuts. And if you slow down to let that maniac go around and drive IN FRONT OF you, you risk driving INTO an accident they've caused. It's bad no matter what you do.
2) People who cannot have a conversation, but want to talk over you. You get three words out of your mouth and they instantly take over the conversation over and over and over again. I feel like punching them right in the kisser.

Or in the throat. Just sayin'...

3) This is not a big one, but, yep, it is one. People that will not turn a light off when they leave a room and the room is empty. I do not understand how easy it is to remember to turn the switch on, but you just cannot remember to turn it off as you leave. Just lazy.

Or when they don't throw something away when they (as has been bemoaned here previously) must walk right past the trash can to get out of the kitchen. Laziness is annoying.

Years ago, I had a roommate when I lived in Berlin. She had lived a spoiled life. One day when I saw her leaving the bathroom without turning the light off, I asked her to please make sure she turns it off when she leaves the room. From then on, she always did...with the bathroom light. But not her bedroom light, the kitchen light, living room light..... 🤦‍♀️
And this is why I never criticize other's art. :) We all create in our own way, and it drives me bonkers when people say "oh that's easy and anyone can do it.", or "I bet I can do better than that"

Well, a**hat, here's a canvas. Show me what you've got.

Stephen Colbert Popcorn GIF
:pop *I see no errors in this logic*
This is not a big one, but, yep, it is one. People that will not turn a light off when they leave a room and the room is empty. I do not understand how easy it is to remember to turn the switch on, but you just cannot remember to turn it of
How about the opposite problem? You are in a room with another person, and as they leave the room, they compulsively turn the light off, as if you are not still in the room using it? Hello, reading here? Then you have to get up and turn it back on because they are long gone. Looking at you, Loved One, but it's okay bc in 11 years it's my only complaint about you. 😏
How about the opposite problem? You are in a room with another person, and as they leave the room, they compulsively turn the light off, as if you are not still in the room using it? Hello, reading here? Then you have to get up and turn it back on because they are long gone. Looking at you, Loved One, but it's okay bc in 11 years it's my only complaint about you. 😏
This is my husband. Doesn't matter if he's been spending time with me talking with me in the room. As soon as he's out of the room, click! I'm in the dark.
While collecting eggs this morning, I was reminded of another thing to add to this list:

People not using a trash can in general.

We bought this property in Dec 2020. It's such a beautiful piece of land. And we feel immensely blessed to be living here.

HOWEVER.... I don't think the previous owners even owned a trash can...and they certainly don't seem to have used one once in the 50 years they lived here. This was not at all apparent when we bought it. Yet, every single day, my chickens unearth handfuls of old nails, broken glass, old rusted rotary saw blades, wire, broken glass, buried carpet pieces (not in any location that would seem they were being used as a barrier to anything), pet food tins as well as the lids, more broken glass, mason jars, buried sections of PVC pipe for no reason, more nails, old pieces of garden hose, and various and sundry bits of rusted metal ... and did I mention broken glass and rusted nails?

WHY? Why people why? It's as if wherever they were standing at the moment they decided they didn't need something anymore, that's where they dropped it and that's where it stayed. Or, it was too much trouble to bend down to pick up something they dropped on accident, so why bother? Ugh!

My chickens are ferocious excavators, but it's a pure miracle that they haven't unearthed something that ended up injuring them. You can't see the garbage to just go out and rake it up. You'd need to till the entire plot of land down a foot or more and then put the dirt through a vibrating sieve to find it all. It's just so frustrating that someone would treat their land like this.
It's just so frustrating that someone would treat their land like this.
Couldn't agree more. I bought my place 3 years ago. In addition to what you already mentioned, there were engine parts, and 100s of plastic and metal empty cans of engine oil, washer fluid, etc. The first summer I filled two dumpsters from the 2.5 acres around the house. More stuff still emerges every summer.
Such disrespect for the land makes me 😡
While collecting eggs this morning, I was reminded of another thing to add to this list:

People not using a trash can in general.

We bought this property in Dec 2020. It's such a beautiful piece of land. And we feel immensely blessed to be living here.

HOWEVER.... I don't think the previous owners even owned a trash can...and they certainly don't seem to have used one once in the 50 years they lived here. This was not at all apparent when we bought it. Yet, every single day, my chickens unearth handfuls of old nails, broken glass, old rusted rotary saw blades, wire, broken glass, buried carpet pieces (not in any location that would seem they were being used as a barrier to anything), pet food tins as well as the lids, more broken glass, mason jars, buried sections of PVC pipe for no reason, more nails, old pieces of garden hose, and various and sundry bits of rusted metal ... and did I mention broken glass and rusted nails?

WHY? Why people why? It's as if wherever they were standing at the moment they decided they didn't need something anymore, that's where they dropped it and that's where it stayed. Or, it was too much trouble to bend down to pick up something they dropped on accident, so why bother? Ugh!

My chickens are ferocious excavators, but it's a pure miracle that they haven't unearthed something that ended up injuring them. You can't see the garbage to just go out and rake it up. You'd need to till the entire plot of land down a foot or more and then put the dirt through a vibrating sieve to find it all. It's just so frustrating that someone would treat their land like this.
This sounds like an old dump. I was raised in a small town and we had a dump. When the laws came about the town just covered it. :(

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