Pet Peeves

You have to think how the stupid boys think that way. Look at the mainstream media, pop culture, movies, video games, and social media... they think girls and women should be flat belled, tiny waist, big booty, big chested, with enormous lips, certain shade of skin and dressing like street walkers. Shame on them... that standard of "beauty" cannot be achieved.

I'm all for disciplining... those boys need a spanking... who cares how old they are.

They do not teach in school that everyone's body type is different and perfect just the way they are. People are beautiful the way they were born and should be accepted as such.

I am so sorry that your daughter, the other girls, you and even the parents are going through.
Follow-up on this. 2 of the 3 got a week's vacation (suspension, this was not their first issue), the third had a week's detention. The entire 7th grade class had an assembly called and were told in no uncertain terms that there was zero tolerance for that nonsense. We will see what comes of it.
Massive Pet Peeve: This is an email I recently received.
United Nations-UK
3 Whitehall Court
London SW1A 2EL

Dear Beneficiary,
This is to inform you that your contract / inheritance fund valued five million United States dollars only .($5,000,000.00) has been approved and release to you by the UNITED NATION ORGANISATION with WORLD BANK GROUP BANK .
The Correspondent bank to World Bank group has been mandated by the United Nations to transfer your contact/ inheritance fund to you through Online Transfer Payment which is 100 % Guaranteed Furthermore we advise you to stop any further communication with any other persons or offices concerning any transaction that you might have lost your hard earned money to avoid losing more money to other group of scammers who are on the FBI wanted list and are still on the
run and for this reason we want to warn you not to communicate or duplicate this message to anyone for any reason whatsoever as the United States Secret Service are already on the trace for the other criminals.

Kindly reconfirm your information

Full Name:
Home address:
Direct phone number
Copy of ID card.

Get back to me ASAP


Steve Donnelly
Head of Finance & Governance
United nation Organization
phone :+1 (512) 387-9169
Fax : +1 (512) 387-9195

Note: I deleted the email immediately as I always do.
I had a scammer call me up. Told me someone was buying an I phone on my Amazon account. It would cost over $1000 and I said oh no I don't have that in my account :lauThey hung up on me. I called my bank and Amazon ( they had my account info). They never tried because I told them I didn't have any money.
I had a scammer call me up. Told me someone was buying an I phone on my Amazon account. It would cost over $1000 and I said oh no I don't have that in my account :lauThey hung up on me. I called my bank and Amazon ( they had my account info). They never tried because I told them I didn't have any money.
That’s a smart tactic :D.
Irritates me too, however I have a 91 Toyota Tacoma and those lights are manual. I often have them on even if it's not dark in the winter with snow because it's a white truck. My thinking is it's more difficult to see because it's white and. . . I like running lights anyway.
Me thinks that all grayish/black earth tone vehicles should have running lights in the summer.
Sign of a responsible driver!! I was having this conversation with mini yesterday
He said isn’t it illegal to drive with only 1 headlight….I replied technically yes but obviously not properly enforced. I continued explaining that all but 2 we own have automatic headlights (the other 2 are classic/project cars) and explained headlight use on motorcycles as well!

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