Pet Peeves

A lot of times snoring is an indicator of sleep apnea. Might be worth looking into. The improvement in sleep overall is literally life changing for both of you, and modern CPAP machines are super quiet and unobtrusive. They even have at home test kits now. You sleep with it for 3 days and send it back.

Source: My wife no longer tries to smother me with a pillow when I sleep and I feel way better and more rested now.
My sister had to have some dental work done and wanted me to bring her. She wanted me in the room as the dentist was explaining all the post op stuff then wanted me to stay with her till she was out. I should have recorded it but when she fell asleep she scared to crap out of me. The dentist came back in and said it was text book sleep apnea. I told her she had to go to the doctor for that.
My sister had to have some dental work done and wanted me to bring her. She wanted me in the room as the dentist was explaining all the post op stuff then wanted me to stay with her till she was out. I should have recorded it but when she fell asleep she scared to crap out of me. The dentist came back in and said it was text book sleep apnea. I told her she had to go to the doctor for that.
She do the "stop breathing for a few seconds and snore" thing? I had to have a surgical procedure to pulverize a kidney stone, and the post-op nurse told my wife while I was in recovery I kept stopping breathing. Said it was classic apnea and took the time to call my GP and recommend I do a sleep study. Had she not gone out of her way to do that, we might never have known how much it was screwing with my health.
Do you snorers snore on inhale or exhale? I sometimes wake myself up, snoring on exhale. My DH is not at all aware of this as he falls deeply asleep long before I do, so no idea if I stop breathing.

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