Pet Peeves

sally field GIF
I also put a piece of tape over my camera on my laptop. I do not do my phone yet since I like to take pics.

I told my staff why I did it and one guy put tape on over his phone camera and then was trying to take pictures and thought his phone was on the frits 🤣

I am not paranoid. 😁 Seriously, it is a good practice if you use a laptop. If you do not mind possibly being watched by some freak, or someone along those lines, then do not worry about it.
you could always get a cheap case without the camera window, but your phone is still listening to every word you utter and monitoring your pulse, lat & long, and so on.
My MIL disowned hubby and me because we bought a Doberman from a breeder. She wrote him the most heartless, nasty email when he'd emailed about our joy to be getting a puppy and being "a family" again.

I'm all for adopting dogs (and cats), but I totally understand getting what you want. We've done it both ways, and all of our dogs have been wonderful.
Sounds like we share a mother in law
I read that even Mark Zuckerberg tapes over his camers. :caf
Yes, certainly one of the best hackers in the world knows to do that.

But, yes, when Zuc was over a few years ago we discussed it. He said he started doing it while at Harvard after someone had hacked his camera and videoed him and few more while they were watching porn his dorm room.
Yes, certainly one of the best hackers in the world knows to do that.

But, yes, when Zuc was over a few years ago we discussed it. He said he started doing it while at Harvard after someone had hacked his camera and videoed him and few more while they were watching porn his dorm room.
Full Disclosure: I was joking! I do not know Zuckerberg and I have no idea if he and his fellow programmers ever watched porn in college.

Hayden, you give me a thumps makes me think I need to clear that up. 🤣
How about when someone tells you what you want or don't want, or what you like or don't like?

What kind of car would you like?
A VW Beetle!
No, you don't want one of those.
Yes I do, I've always wanted one!
No, you don't want one of those. You should get a Ford Pinto instead.
But I don't want a Pinto, I want a Beetle.
No you don't.

Please don't .... whatever.
You know you like it.
Sounds like most older couples I know, the wife always tell her husband what the poor man likes or doesn't.
Full Disclosure: I was joking! I do not know Zuckerberg and I have no idea if he and his fellow programmers ever watched porn in college.

Hayden, you give me a thumps makes me think I need to clear that up. 🤣
Hey. You never know.
I was once Paul Tibbits's "press liazon" but I couldn't tell that story until I found the photo recently. :lol: I wouldn't believe half my stories with out the photos.

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