Pet Peeves

Hey. You never know.
I was once Paul Tibbits's "press liazon" but I couldn't tell that story until I found the photo recently. :lol: I wouldn't believe half my stories with out the photos.
That is impressive! I will have to admit that I had to google who he was, but that is on me šŸ˜‚
hmmmmm maybe I need to see if I have any pics of Zuc and me. I mean, maybe I am a buddy of his???? Nah šŸ¤£
Thatā€™s crazy. Are you in the same county as it? If not thatā€™s probably why. Otherwise itā€™s probably become a private library. Thatā€™s happening in some places. Organizations buying out the local public libraries.
I am in a different county so maybe that's it. They didn't tell me that was the reason though. So I just thought they charged everybody. I will find out. There is a tiny library near me... teeny tiny, lol. Thanks.
I am in a different county so maybe that's it. They didn't tell me that was the reason though. So I just thought they charged everybody. I will find out. There is a tiny library near me... teeny tiny, lol. Thanks.
That was probably it then. Itā€™s normal for out of system or out of county libraries to charge for a card. Sort of like having to pay a fee to attend an out of county school and the like.
I am in a different county so maybe that's it. They didn't tell me that was the reason though. So I just thought they charged everybody. I will find out. There is a tiny library near me... teeny tiny, lol. Thanks.
Maybe the bigger library would be willing to transfer to the smaller library. That's how it's done here, if there is a book we want at our local library and they don't have it, they'll look to see if it's available elsewhere in another library and if it is, they'll transfer it at no charge. It's quite handy.
Maybe the bigger library would be willing to transfer to the smaller library. That's how it's done here, if there is a book we want at our local library and they don't have it, they'll look to see if it's available elsewhere in another library and if it is, they'll transfer it at no charge. It's quite handy.
I've always been a browser. I don't usually go into a library with a particular book in mind. I scan the shelves, read the jackets, then pick something that looks interesting. I'm familiar with the library transfer or exchange practices, I've just never used them for that reason. I recently ourchased some ebooks at very reasonable prices as they're fairly old, stuff I enjoyed many years ago, so I'm happy now.
One that I had when I was a teen was when people wouldn't knock on my bedroom door before trying the doorknob. I pretty much always had my room locked if I was in there to prevent my younger siblings from barging in but it inevitably led to the doorknob getting jiggled agressively several times per day.
Is it that hard to knock?
One that I had when I was a teen was when people wouldn't knock on my bedroom door before trying the doorknob. I pretty much always had my room locked if I was in there to prevent my younger siblings from barging in but it inevitably led to the doorknob getting jiggled agressively several times per day.
Is it that hard to knock?
What were you hiding? :lau

I'm a light sleeper. So any noise will wake me up. I refused to wear ear plugs for the longest time. Mainly, after wearing for a spell makes my ear tunnels hurt. Needless to say, after I got married, I was not happy to find out my hubby snores. Most nights I sporadically slept or even slept on the couch. It also didn't help that dog #1 snored as well. After a time not sleeping (a year later) I finally got ear plugs. Dog #1 & #2 passed and dog #3 doesn't snore. But dog #3 kept stealing and eating my ear plugs. We recently got dog #4 and I kid you not.. this dog snores just like my hubby. Same tone, pitch, and nasally sound. It's even worse when I'm stuck in the middle and my hubby on one side and a snoring dog on the other :hmm
When people type "u" instead of "you" and "2" instead of "too or to". Or any of that other nonsense. How much time did it save you, really? And honestly, I hate all these initials for things. Brb, ttyl, lol, it drives me crazy!

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