Pet Peeves

People who don’t take allergies seriously. We have a blanket ban on peanut products at work because of how severe some peoples allergies are. Had to yell at someone for for bringing in peanut yesterday and they actually rolled their eyes when I explained that last time someone brought it in two people who weren’t even in the same building got taken to the hospital by ambulance because that person didn’t wash their hands well after eating and touched a doorknob in the other building. The only reason they put the peanut butter away was because I threatened to report them.
Along with "this meeting should have been an email" we have the follow-up smash hit "why are you wasting my time with a meeting for a problem that I already gave you detailed information about how to resolve?"

There are days at work when I feel like there is an office pool focused around who can get me to actually accept meeting requests.
Really irky pet peeve:
If a business asks for a like and subscribe. I on purpose don't do it. How do I know if I like the business if I don't even know anybody there.

Youtube videos the same way, if someone has to ask for a like and subscribe, do they actually have quality content or is it a game everyone plays?

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