Pet Peeves

How about coming home from work,
looking forward to my
fav time of day
"peaceful time with my flock"
Only to see total strangers
Meandering in my backyard,
Because they wanted to see
Who was crowing?
Ugh! Trespassing down a
Private Drive & proceeding
to trespass in someone's yard,
Clearly marked with signs.
Oh & on their way out,
They then go on to
Trespass on my neighbor's
Property to pet her horses.
Some even fed her horses!
I'm talking about stuff
Horses should never eat!
Morons! Self centered, idiotic, morons!
Sheesh. Ignoring no trespassing signs is borderline suicidal here.
Sheesh. Ignoring no trespassing signs is borderline suicidal here.
Instead of creating some jobs
& a fun venue
By offering charming train rides,
They ripped up the historic tracks,
& put in a "walking/biking trail"
For the visiting "tourons"
To get to the beach areas.
That stupid trail runs
Right down across this
Private Drive, which
Back in the day was a
Family farm.
It's sad, but tourism &
The money it generates
Is top priority now.
Farming & farms are
Being sold & developed.
Change is inevitable.
I will inevitability
Be changing...
my address, that is!
More acreage,
More critters,
No Tourons!
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Nice clear, sunny day at work. Make it home just in time for this
Instead of creating some jobs
& a fun venue
By offering charming train rides,
They ripped up the historic tracks,
& put in a "walking/biking trail"
For the visiting "tourons"
To get to the beach areas.
That stupid trail runs
Right down across this
Private Drive, which
Back in the day was a
Family farm.
It's sad, but tourism &
The money it generates
Is top priority now.
Farming & farms are
Being sold & developed.
Change is inevitable.
I will inevitability
Be changing...
my address, that is!
More acreage,
More critters,
No Tourons!
Is this some kind of strange poem?

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